it seems neat at first but- aha!
just more fetischization from skuffed povs, to which furry equates to the Z-word while pushing it as "oh love is love, go fuck a dog"
every day discerning away games, the meaning of yikes grows
so good at what it's doing it's trigger, thanks
i don't like that it was liked at first, like mouse, when it's yikes fetischization of seemingly alot of effort
triggering, literally negging groomer simulator. why is this not regulated.
it's given so much thought and effort by the dev
even diagetically it seems to not want to be fetischizing and breaking norms (but does the dev even know to phrase what fetischization from cis-male pov means to break away from? no, so it's this endearing, triggering, indie project that probably is worked on passionately. wot.)
every day adding more meaning to the word yikes, by this catch'all collection i inofficially call "no- this ought to be regulated. but it's not: so what are the mass-surveillance society dragnets and all the bells and whistles doing even."
this one just triggered alot while trying to play so welp, i guess that's that.
wold b nice if and only when it's not fetishizing from a cis-male pov then romanticizing that to self-flatulence :p which will be never, so just yikes.
worth to mention this game added a consent-meter and the peon option. so it's progressing, somewhere... in some pace... now if the hard H- and F- words could be replaced... idk what would be achieved but that's all i got to say.
anyways moving on to collect every f2p game brrrrr
wold b nice if and only when it's not fetishizing from a cis-male pov then romanticizing that to self-flatulence :p which will be never, so just yikes.