Я прошла на хорошую концовку и горжусь собой. Они такие няняняня... Мне короче зашло. Очень. Нянянняняняняняня
Cute. Nyanyanyanyanyanya. <3
Нет слов, эмоций тоже. Просто няняняняняняняня. Я прошла на концовку "энэмис ту ловерс". Ну это имба
Eh.. I wish this game was about cute boys, and not about a yandere boy. Even though I only went through the demo version, but I still tried to answer gently so that Celik wouldn't be offended. I'm afraid that on the 5th day I generally won't wake up... Pipe.
In fact, I almost died while I was playing this game. I was so embarrassed, well, emae. Passed on 2 endings out of 4. On 1 and on 2. I lost all my savers due to the fact that I saved pictures, and then it turns out there was a gallery and I like a sucker lost all the dialogue choices. The pictures are worth it. Cute. I kind of liked the game. Maybe in the future I will go through another 2 remaining. <3
The game is purely to look at the cute boys after the main game. I didn't play the basis, but even without that, the game seemed nice. Cute. <3
I will write briefly, I liked it. It was quite unusual. By the way, the main character is me. I love this game. <3
I was very worried about these two kittens. Fortunately, the ending pleased me and they will stay together and be happy. I'm sure of it. Cute. <3
Nyanyanyanya. It was very nice. I liked it. Cute. <3
The game went very quickly for all 3 endings. I love the ending of "BOY". I'm ready to give my soul for her. Nya. <3
I'd like to believe in the second life. And that's because in the end, Eames got the core he wanted so badly. I don't know what "transcending the cycle" means, but I want to be like Eames- hopeful. If he got the core, maybe his goddess really is as kind as he thought, y'know? And regardless of transcendence or not, I think she'd give them another go around if she can.
The story of the cutest boys. I helped my black bro and I'm proud of it. I've made a lot of pictures and I'm proud of it too. I love these two so much.. They're so cute.. I tried my best to help Bro and now we are friends. But not only with him. We have a group of friends now and everything will be fine with us! I love everyone. Thanks for the game.
A very nice novel with nice guys. It goes through pretty quickly. Passed on all endings. I love these boys, I hope they will continue to be fine <3