mfw someone asks me a question that i don't want to answer
if the horror doesn't kill me then my pea-sized brain probably will get me killed
surveys are fun
hm (curious)
like what? downloading a virus for me? (i want her)
the fact that "comedy" is a tag on this gives me the same vibe as that run easter egg on the gameboy color (it's funny to the devs but not any players who aren't expecting it) (i'm curious though)
if this has cannibalism i might giggle
me when the crypid(?) that's haunting(???) my "boyfriend" shares the same name as me <3
vincent the secret of myers was cool so this could be cool too
i may not be into men(?) but if this is how i fight my fears then so be it
"sweet" and "cannibalism" go together like salt and sugar (why does this feel familiar)
i am a pussy when it comes to horror games