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Goon Toon Books!

It's the One and Only E-Book Collection You'll Ever Need.

Goon Toon Books is a collection for all things "Jean-Luc & Friends!" From goofs and gaffs to engaging action, we got them all! 

These novels are packed to the brim with colorful characters and virtuous worlds filled with vibrancy, adventure, action, and more! 

The Insanity doesn't start until these 'toons step in. Are you willing to join the madness?

It's GOON TOON BOOKS! The most TOONTASTIC E-Book Collection you'll ever need on the internet.

"Jump in, we're waiting."

Written and Produced by Goon Toon Studios

© Jean-Luc Ottey, 2025

Added 3 days ago by Mr. Toontastic

Joie de Vivre!

Nature is beautiful when you have someone to share it with. Or maybe, you'd like to share a drink with some friends. How about a fishing trip? Or maybe you'd like to express yourself in a local talent show? There's quite a fantastical tales all packed together in this one great collection!

Written and Produced by Goon Toon Studios

© Jean-Luc Ottey, 2025

Added 69 days ago by Mr. Toontastic

Diamonds aren't a Fox's Best Friend, y'know.

Based on the webnovel, "The Adventures of Jean-Luc & Joey." 

After a set of strange earthquakes break through the desert, a series of tremendous tentacles burst through the cracks! Now, its up to Jean-Luc the Fox and Joey the Rabbit to go underground and find the source of these chaotic chasms!

Written and Produced by Goon Toon Studios

© Jean-Luc Ottey, 2025

Added Mar 06, 2024 by Mr. Toontastic

Inspired by the 1928 classic that made a mark on Animation History, this novel acts as its love letter.

A young sailor and his swashbuckling boss are to make a very special. Can they set aside their differences for the sake of their job? Or will a clash of two egos get sink their ship in the process? Find out in a story filled with slapstick, humor, and heart!

Written and Produced by Goon Toon Studios

© Jean-Luc Ottey, 2024

Added Jun 26, 2023 by Mr. Toontastic

Poetry Returns!

Jump into another line of Poetic Pieces and discover more musings of a young artist trying to make his way into this world. Words can only speak as much as what the mind believes. This is the second volume in a collection of poems I like to call, The Poetic Pieces of a Particular Penman. 

© Jean-Luc Ottey, 2023

Added Jun 24, 2023 by Mr. Toontastic

Poetry is of the body and soul. Words parlay from head to screen in a collection of thoughtful (or thoughtless) soliloquies written by the humble writer you see before you. The first volume in a collection of poems I like to call, The Poetic Pieces of a Particular Penman. 

Written and Produced by Goon Toon Studios

© Jean-Luc Ottey, 2023

Added Jun 24, 2023 by Mr. Toontastic

Nothing says "Love & War" like a good game of tennis!

Featuring Mellisa Muñella from the "Mellisa & Julianna" web novel.

The Melodious Mellisa Muñella and her Goading Grandmother are challenged to a tennis match by their dreadful rivals (and neighbors), The Jocelyns. The prize? A special tennis court embedded deep in the local park of course!

It's going to take wit and skill to overcome this challenge. Mellisa better have her A-Game, otherwise those balls are going to fly elsewhere.

Written and Produced by Goon Toon Studios

© Jean-Luc Ottey, 2023