Peak video game endings
A strong contender to one of the most addictive RPG Maker games I ever played. Beware of bugs, though.
Do this game even needs an introduction?
Pretty game with a good sense of design, great designs, plus a fun and addictive gameplay loop once you get the hang of it. Easy recommendation!
Pretty alien girls, great locations and a good time with the plot and characters! I honestly would never think RPG Maker games cool be like this when I first saw the engine back on 2010.
Awesome game concept with a surprising amount of depth
Took more than 20 years, but a game with a movement just as fun as Mario 64 finally came out!
An absolute classic worth playing on either the classic version to learn the roots or the GoldenerTraum version for a great definitive way of playing the game.
Cute and addictive survival/city building simulator.
Touhou fans once again proving they are in a completely different plane of existence.
Very high effort horror experience with a lot of personality!