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Tools and Utilities (Unity, to be removed 12/31/23)

a collection by anchorlight · last updated 2023-09-14 00:32:02
Added May 08, 2023 by anchorlight

A script generator built for use with RTX Remix enhanced game remaster projects.  This app locates the folder that Remix is stored in, locates a texture input and export folder, and generates PBR materials before compiling them into a Pixar USDA file that can easily be added to an RTX-Remix mod.  Various features will be implemented to allow fine-tuning various textures to more closely match an intended look for the final material.

Added May 08, 2023 by anchorlight

A quick prototype made for Easy FPS Engine in [give or take] a single night.  Automates the process of loading in an image sequence to play in-engine before a map loads.  Due for an update in June 2023.