tbh this was one of my favorites when the first version came out
xoxo droplets is super sweet and this game,,, well it's just pretty great lol
very short, but it is just a demo and it seems to be a very promising yandere game!
here's another i put in a different collection, but it's worthy of the yandere collection as well! can be sweet and cute or crazy violent, take your pick
not quite the style of yandere games i usually play, but it's more comedic and a classic for sure!
i can't say much without spoilers but this game is really good! definitely worth it for my fellow yandere lovers
honestly i wasn't initially going to add this to my recommendations, but the story grew on me a fair amount. i expected some very obvious, cliche twists and this game was always the opposite of what i expected, in a good way. if you can look past the english grammar or know chinese, then this game might be worth a playthrough!
solid 10/10 demo! very excited for the full version