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a collection by Nekromeowncer 路 last updated 2023-11-10 03:16:41
Wallpapers, furniture, decorations & more!
Animated characters for your games.
Showcase of shader code for Godot game engine
Animated characters, hairstyles and clothes!
1700+ icons, 12 buttons and more in a wood theme
Game UI + 450 Icon + HUD + FREE version
A Ready-to-Use Interface with a lot of flexibility. Still under development, and may receive updates.
A basic UI framework package for games.
Pixelart keyboard keys for UI. All basic keyboard keys, symbols, & modifiers.
Playstation, Xbox, Switch, KB/M. Alternative buttons + smaller buttons.
50 horizontal frozen fantasy background images
A collection of GUI button prompt elements specifically for XBOX Controllers
UI assets pack 16 x 16 px
Free App Icons of popular/common mobile applications. Contains over 130 icons
32x32 pixel mart icons
A collection of GUI button prompt elements specifically for PS4 Controllers
64 16x16 food icons.
free 32x32 pixel food icons
The font from 0x72's DungeonUI, enhanced
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