My master thesis, where we use neural networks to predict energy values of hydrogen atom and harmonic oscillator rather than using Schrodinger equation.
We dive deep into some of the benefits of using neural networks, what are neural networks, some of their negatives, and their uses in physics and other fields.
Finaly we made three simulations, totaling to 6 neural network models that are completely trained using python, and we also implemented the basic training process ourselves which we used to solve some more surface level examples like the AND, OR and XOR operators.
Source code included.
A Presentation with a project show casing the gamma decay, angular distribution and correlation
including extras like its selection rules, parity and internal parity, and tools we used such as zeeman effect, plus resources showcasing the actual circuitry of the experiment itself
a simple game, where you must use the basic movement equations to solve problems, and allow your plane to fly.
a physics simulation, showcasing how different variables and parts of the wave equation, effect the wave itself.
a simple simulation of the Young's Double Slit's Experiment.
a console application with source included, that showcases and uses the Path Finding Algorithm for finding the closest path.
a small presentation for Quantum mechanics, masters program al albayt university
how frames translate to computer time
rotations using quaternion
using gaussian function to make picture/camera filters