The life and the adventures of a criminal-pursuit robot turned sentient detective. Robot Detective and Blue Mirage are also on Steam!
Drawing on earlier works and additional nightmares, this is the full-fledged sequel to Robot Detective. I did a lot of studying of detective fiction and visual novels to try and make this one better. Also longer. Currently in-progress, not sure when exactly it will be released but I am tenatively aiming for 2025.
I was obsessed with choose-your-own-adventure books as a kid. I wrote one for a jam kind of on the fly. I also wanted to sneak in meta elements and I don't remember why.
The theme of the jam was 'coffee.' It was supposed to be lighthearted, so of course I swopped in and made it all sad and noir. Fleshes out the whole "lost lenore" thing Clash had going with Sal.
I really should make more zines like this, it was fun. Was given a random topic and had to go with it. This eventually morphed into the beginning of Blue Mirage.
Made for an interactive fiction jam where we had to write something with a cliffhanger. So I did. While also trying to recapture the same emotions I felt when reading "The Murder of Roger Ackroyd" back in 11th grade. If you've read that book then you know what I mean. Also introduced Vic, my shameless self-insert who has a crush on Clash. Unpack that one, Freud.
I mean, if you want to get technical, Clash only shows up at the very end of this one. Yes, that's Clash and Vic at the end there. I didn't decide this until much later. But still, yes, Clash is in this one so this should be in this category.
The one that started this weirdness. Two nightmares combined to create this detective VN where the player's choices affect whodunit and how Clash acts. Cemented Clash as my favorite OC.