A collection of third-party adventures and campaigns for the Lancer RPG system.
First part of a three-act campaign, running from LL0-4. Captures the themes of Lancer’s “Long Rim” in a style similar to Borderlands: The world sucks, but with hope, effort, and a good dose of humor, we can make it better. Includes a detailed campaign setting for spinning off additional adventures!
Intro LL0 adventure to Sleeping Above a Stolen Crown; good sample for the rest of the missions!
Three missions spanning LL0-2 on the icy planet of Sparr. Leverages some tools more commonly seen in other TTRPGs: It has a small hex crawl, a pilot-sized dungeon crawl, and a detailed social encounter, all of which could be lifted for a personal game or used as inspiration. The layout is clean and easy to read, making the adventure a joy to page through.
A quick, 6-page one shot for Lancer, great for a new table to get their feet wet.
Contains GM advice and a sample mission.