Games I contributed to in 2018-2019 under my alias "Kise."
Collaborative projects with HomeTeam GameDev.
Created animations: John (Protagonist) & Rose's animations and animated portraits
I wrote and co-lead this project. I also programmed the core game and dialogue system.
I created the logo, as well as a few grass tiles.
Created animations: I made one of the transition animations that indicated the start of the next level ("ready set go" animation)
I added a few variations of tree art, as well as the code for the animal speech bubbles.
I created the venom dog sprite used in this game.
This was a game jam game made on a team, for LD41. I coded the pong scene (bottom paddle functionality, ball, and paddle AI), the kitchen background, and the meat/veggie ball sprites used in the pong scene.
Created Animations: Player jumping, catching and throwing animations
I contributed to SFX integration (jumps, hits) in code, as well as the bouncing and ball hit sound effects. (Art style based on original player design)
I coded the player wall jump code, created 6 character portraits (Grampghost, Avocado ghost, boss 1 - 3, Baron), as well as a few brick wall sprites, air conditioner sprites and a number of neon signs that were used in the game
I provided one of the main in game tracks. (Rock music)
I provided the lives code that drew hearts on the screen, as well as the heart sprite, the pause functionality and game tint, pause/play sound effects, the bomb flash code, the game over songs, and the scene skipping code.