You either play this game and then Perfect Home, or Perfect Home and then this game. I'm part of the later group so I'll get back to you
This game has a lot of content for a variety of kinks, it's one that I've not seen all the endings for just because of how much there is. But everything I've seen so far is great, 9/10
Great for hypno visualizers, if not a bit buggy. 8/10
Finally not an RPG! Arcade style beat 'em up with amazing art and design, 10/10
While it is a text based RPG which is widely disliked, this game is very good at storytelling and making it horny. 10/10
Very cool game, if you like clicker games this one is up your ally. Not very kinky, very conceptual, 10/10
The absolute best horny game I have ever played. 11/10
Cool theory for an RPG-like game, although the combat system is repetitive and after so many losses the game becomes impossible. 5/10
Interesting proof of concept, one hypno storyline which is actually pretty cool conceptually. 6/10