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RPG Adventure Modules
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· last updated
2024-01-26 01:59:57
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You Meet In A Tavern, You Die In A Dungeon
Delve Fast, Die Fast
Best Left Buried: Throne of Avarice
A RPG sourcebook set in a nation struggling to reclaim its dominion
Soul Muppet Publishing
Rolling with the Youth
In bundle
A guide to running inclusive, safe, and fun tabletop-roleplaying games for all ages
Jaclyn Lewis
Endure The Dark - The Occult
5 fantasy Dungeon battle Maps for your tabletop RPG with mini random adventure.
Desolation of the Dread Lich
A magical tree house possessed by a malovelent lich catapults adventurers into the far-flung past.
Danielle Dalton
Frozen Halls - Hollow Adventures
A system-neutral supplement for any RPG. Hand-drawn B&W fantasy art and tabletop maps.
The Void-Shrouded Workshop of the Planar Compass
Delve into a demon haunted ruin in search of a fabled extra dimensional treasure!
Bear Wizard
White Box Adventures
A White Box FMAG adventure
The Whispering Well
There's an endless whispering down the well, and you stu- brave adventurers are going to find out why.
Eldritch Gremlin (Reece Erdman)
The Sunken Tower
A one page dungeon for your favorite fantasy rpg.
Eldritch Gremlin (Reece Erdman)
Langwick and surroundings
The village of Langwick, it's inhabitants and the surrounding areas. My #dungeon23 submission.
Verdant Core
The Gygax 75 Challenge
A workbook for building an RPG campaign setting in 5 weeks.
Ray Otus
The Tomb of the Twins
A Black Hack Mini-Dungeon
Cats Have No Lord
Dungeon23 Helper
A short helper doc for Dungeon23.
Hexed Press
The Dungeon Architect's Workbook
A print-ready workbook to help plan and create a dungeon or megadungeon.
Weekly Dungeon Planner Sheets
Printable dungeon planner template for Dungeon23
Monte Morto - Dungeon23
Una regione con villaggio, megadungeon e luoghi di interesse creato per la Dungeon23 Challenge
Sephil's Lair
Expedition to Danger Island
One-page randomly generated pulp RPG
Trollish Delver Games
Ply the Murky Deeps
Rules for Fishing in Frontier Scum
Goatman's Goblet
Rodents & Recreation
d6 Alternate Starting Adventurer Classes for Mausritter.
ManaDawn Tabletop Games
Wheels Within the Jungle Skies
a 4 dungeon adventure for your fantasy rpg of choice
ManaDawn Tabletop Games
The Dead Must Be Fed Bread!
A Scones and Sorcery adventure for The Black Hack 2e
Zac Bir
The Fae Queen's Grief
A one-spread dungeon suitable for use with any OSR system.
Zac Bir
Optional rules for character creation and play for the Troika! RPG
Zac Bir
Yondoer Mountain
A Pocket Place by Zac Bir and David Koslow, inspired by the works of Manly Wade Wellman
Zac Bir
Role Playing
A solo hex-delve on a forlorn planet
Ryan LaLiberty
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