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Experimental Boardgames for Adventurous People (Dangerous!)

a collection by fae.exe · last updated 2023-11-10 03:14:09
Added Oct 25, 2023 by fae.exe

Made in basically 48 hours for LD 54 by the grenblyn gang!

And it felt SO GOOD to have beautiful artwork by asmar FOR A BOARDGAME, joined by grizembrrr who created icons that are FILLED with personality, and KT who KNOCKED IT OUT OF THE PARK with their treasure illustrations!! LIKE DAMN I didn't know that person could Actually Draw This Fucking Well! (Also it vectorized surprisingly easily and cleanly even if it was a scan with shitty image quality.)

AND HOU I THINK WE MADE SOMETHING REALLY GOOD THIS TIME! It's a fun little roll&write/dice-(worker)-placement solo game. First Grenblyn Boardgame!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I'm just really sad none of the grenblyns (myself included) had the time or energy to play a lot of games from the Ludum Dare, because we ended up getting very little in terms of comments and feedbacks. But most of them were Really Nice and sweet and cute and encouraging!

And so people are asking for multiplayer ways to play, which... Might be in the pipes somewhere. As well as MANY features to improve replayability. I took cares to lay out foundations for easy expansions of the game's systems. 

I have big plans but if you know me at all you know that... It doesn't mean I'll follow through with them, because I'm always working on The Next Thing. But probably no one reads this so? You don't know? In which case this is also a way to tell you this in case you care.

ALSO I played the Isle of Cats roll&write boardgame recently, and it's really close to this!! But also different enough, which makes me really happy!! 

ALSO ALSO I've never written rules this fast WHICH MEANS I'M MAKING PROGRESS and it feels really good, and I've also never been as able as I am these days to create games that are almost immediately at least "pretty fun" and "pretty interesting," so it's like, my design is getting more "accurate"? AND IT'S SO GRATIFYING OH MY GOD to be moving away from the COMPLETELY BROKEN MESSES I used to make lmao.

Anyways play this if you feel like it, it's just 2 A4 pages to pring, five 6-sided dice, (you're a nerd you have this in your house) and like an hour of your time (rules included).

Added Oct 03, 2023 by fae.exe

That was a really fun Global Game Jam! I hadn't really made boardgames with a team before that, and it was soooo good to be able to talk about the design with someone, and to receive help while iterating. And also CHRIST I'm hooked on having illustrations to use while doing graphic design for boardgames. Artists are such a blessing upon this world.

Added Aug 19, 2023 by fae.exe

This is a funky lil closed drafting game about being SUPERNATURAL DRAGON WARRIORS in a tournament between the realms beyond the world. I had so much fun coming up with silly names for the elements and the techniques. It's got a bunch of lore in my head that's not even in the manual lmao. I struggled so much with the design of this game! But once I hammered out the first draft it kind of... stayed as is throughout development and I iterated mostly on the visual aspect (and the UX aspect because having cards with 2 halves felt real clunky real fast?????)

It's actually pretty OK and I don't hate it, I just need to design more cards (I want a 3rd round) and I have some ideas to implement a bunch more interactivity, but the game is already pretty complex because of the 2 sided cards and shit soooooooooooooooooooo it might be a bad idea but I still feel like it's really hard to actually have control over the table???????????? Because there's not that much margin for hatedrafting I guess????????????? And because the boardstate is pretty confusing for me maybe ? I'm not sure I need to play it more and get more feedback.

Added Aug 19, 2023 by fae.exe

HELL YEAH! I had so much fun designing this! I really want to work on it further and to improve on it and to design more content for it! But that's my love for asymetry, expression through agency and mechs that speaks here. BUT BOY YOU CAN FLY GIANT MECHS AND BLAST YOUR OPPONENT INTO NEXT YEAR?? ALSO THE PILOTS ARE LESBIANS AND I CAN DESIGN MANUFACTURERS AND BRAND IDENTITIES FOR THE PARTS AND THEN WE'LL BE ABLE TO DRAFT MECHS AND DUKE IT OFF WITH OUR OWN CREATIONS LET'S GO

Added Aug 19, 2023 by fae.exe

Hoo boy, yeah, I worked on this as a way to hone my chops for like, every aspects of boardgame design. It's a tiny thing. I tried to kind of merge elements of Floriferous, Meadow, the fortress expansion for Splendor, and the contract system from Century. It's really an exercise in set collection design and open drafting. The drafting -> movement system (with viscosity) is a tiny innovation, I think; it's dual purpose in that you have to think of how what you'll draft next, but also about blocking and protecting, and do that with an eye on the contracts and what your opponent is trying to do. I don't know if the design is worth anything, but I had some fun playing it? But it feels lacking somehow, in ways I can't quite articulate yet. (I guess what I'm saying is I'd need help for further development)

Added Nov 21, 2022 by fae.exe

Made this for the ENJAM 2022, in 48 hours, but I might work on it some more, I don't know. Had a lot of fun making it though, I feel like the game has some potential, and I'm getting better at making functional boardgames in a relatively short amount of time.

Added Oct 28, 2022 by fae.exe

This was made for the mech-jam. I don't think I even playtested this shit myself once! I wanna rework someday, but I don't think I'll ever do that. Was fun to build though, practice, man, practice. I had played too much pawnbarian. Good lesson in planning event horizons though.

Added Oct 28, 2022 by fae.exe

Oh man, that big mess of a game, Tracker's League! In dire need of an update. Fuck, I hope I find the time and motivation to make another pass at it.