3/5 Good art and passable story. But it's just more god damn incest. Quit halfway through once that became evident
2/5 Passable art at times but such a slog of inconsistencies and some translation issues.
3/5 Decent but a slog.
1/5 Translation was very difficult to follow
1/5 Translation was very difficult to follow
3/5 Good in theory, showed some promise in story but overall not developed enough.
3/5 OVerall decent but i'm not big into BDSM.
2/5 Short and okay. Limited content.
3/5 Good scenes and graphics. But is mainly incest. Really not interested in that.
0/5 more god damn incest.
3/5 All in all decent. Good but not interested in more.
Art great and decent story but the interactions, interface and super slow rate of progression have killed my interest. Obviously a passion project but not for me.
Ultimately decent but overall just decent. Heavy Final fantasy combat. not much in the way of scenes. Just Okay.
Great visuals, middling story, lackluster gameplay.
Looked yummy but kept bugging hard. Unplayable.
I'm sure it's great but it's so damn wordy and the scenes are mostly stills with words. I'll read my books if I wanted that.
I tried but it was way to involved on the menu and interaction side. I'm not here for a point and click puzzler.
Graphics rough. Structure hard to follow 3/10
Great animation and scenes. But translation is rough and story very disjointed.
Looked amazing but I couldn't get past the rough English translation.
Kinda Eh. Publisher of Genesis order but they seem to have too much of a thing for older women for my taste.
Great art but gameplay was rough and mostly text
Short but good. No need for further plays.
Good but not engaging for further consideration