FTP Browser Based Games that managed to hold my attention for more than an hour, or that I played to the end.
Some are just fun, brainless farming sims, some are weird conceptual experimental shit, some are basically visual novels. Bit of everything to kill time!
Will get expanded as I find more. Happy to take recs :)
[Accessibility notes in brackets. If we're friends and you need specific content notes lmk.
Currently tagging for: speed based, eye strain, no pausing*, no mute option.
*I'm tagging for "no pausing" only if there are no intermittent breaks - so anything that will punish you for tabbing out at all. Rounds-based games are not tagged, and will usually fall into the "speed based" category anyway.]
Pretty art, gameplay style just different enough from classic solitaire to be refreshingly engaging without feeling unfamiliar.
very thorough dioarama game, pretty and cohesive.
[no mute]
Rythm game
[no mute, speed based]
Very cute and fun, try to figure out all the recipes! And some… surprises.
[no mute, speed based]
[no mute, speed/timing based]
Clever puzzle idea, kind of a mindfuck. Controls take some getting used to.
[no mute]
strategy puzzle game, same mechanics as dorfromantik. Very fun!
very cute decorating game. Zen. Build a little city and watch the gourdlets interact with stuff.
A poem - really liked this one. Visual novel more than a game.
[no mute]
Cute <3
[no mute]
Extremely cute escape the room game.
[no mute]
Fun if you are familiar with video game glitches.
[eye strain, no mute]
[no mute]