Another late 5th gen vibe that feels like a short pit stop (perhaps in more ways than one ((this is a pun)). Great atmosphere and music, not overtly horror but certainly Lovercraft-lite.
A semi-puzzle based atmospheric horror game that could easily exist in a shared universe with Iron Lung. Great environmental storytelling and aesthetics.
This game is described as an attempt (well, a re-attempt at an initial attempt) to transform an artists account of how they felt during a photo shoot. A very basic experience, but one that is fun to immerse yourself in for a bit after you've sat with it for a handful of minutes. Sort of a Silent Hill-lite walking sim, at least aesthetically.
A compact, combat-free experience that evokes 5th generation titles like Soul Reaver, Castelvania, and many other platformers with ghoulish vibes. And for all you FromHeads there's the occasional touch of Soulsbourne found here. Feels like something you'd find on a Playstation magazine demo disk and play on a Saturday night.