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CuriousCat Games (DE) von Andrea Rick

A fun mini storygame to tell absurd stories and practice improvisation and the use of the X-Card (English & German)..
A set of 19 alternative Crowns of the Queen for Brindlewood Bay (English and German)
A simple, fun TTRPG where characters are a bunch of rodents who want to win a guitar band contest (English and German).
Neue Settings, Verschwörungen und Kriminalfälle für „Brindlewood Bay“ (Carved from Brindlewood) (German)
A cute TTRPG where characters are magical pets at a magic school (Lasers & Feelings hack, in English & German).
Ein Firebrands-Spiel um turbulente Verwicklungen zwischen jungen Damen in einem Mädchenpensionat der 1950er (German)