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Liminal Horror

Homebrew material and hacks for a supernatural horror hack of Cairn which is itself a hack of Into The Odd and Mausritter (which is itself a hack of Into The Odd). If someone makes a spin-off of this game that takes off my head is going to explode.

A Kaiju Suppliment for Liminal Horror
A short campaign setting for Cairn and Liminal Horror inspired by the 1692 Salem Witch Trials.
Reality bending world generation and factions for Liminal Horror
Alternate characters creation tables to generate a group of high schoolers for the Liminal Horror TTRPG.
A #dungeon23 mega-dungeon for Liminal Horror.
How big is an organization? What could they have with that kind of power?
A mystery for Liminal Horror
A system agnostic corporate horror dungeon
Optional gear tables for your Liminal Horror game
Solo rules for Liminal Horror
A mystery/adventure for Liminal Horror.
Optional Flashback rules for Liminal Horror
Expanded Vehicle Rules for chases, car battles, and speedy adventures.
A "dungeon crawl" procedure for Liminal Horror
"What if Twin Peaks had a Last of Us arc?"
An Operation Manual for Liminal Horror
"It's The Thing, but set in a mall." A Liminal Horror module.
A Modern Horror TTRPG