Created Main Menu and robot dog sound
Created the skidmarks texture and wired it up to the car controller to spawn them on a skid.
Just a small bug fix on this project
H.E.L.L area puzzles, forcefields, falling blocks destruction, safe blocks particles, lift animation fix, restricted area sign, holo toggle, basic bot, mute, carryable objects, short beat loop, generic interactions support
I added the Boxing ring, crowd state management, punch trail shader
Game is reminiscent of Twisted Metal World Tour. I added Boost pads, destroyable crates, smoke particles and a sonic blast attack.
My contributions: Main music, support for actions without undo, map fix, action point update, inventory updates from undo.
Created the Trade Convoy mission (including models, functionality, targetting HUD)
Create initial grapple mechanic, collectibles and other minor changes.
Created the basic AI for this game. Game gives great nostalgia feelings for games like Blades of Steel and the early NHL games I used to love.
First HomeTeamGameDev game I contributed to which has a really cool aesthetic. Main contributions were bug fixes, Save/Load system and particle system for spell target tracking.