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theotherjeff's Collection
a collection by
Gutter Regent Games
· last updated
2025-02-06 15:39:55
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Wayfarer 1
A two-player letter-writing game about maintaining connection against impossible odds.
Bannerless Games
GLAIVE is a rules toolkit created by Scott Wegener for running old-school fantasy RPGs with modern streamlined rules.
Killer Ratings
Create the crew. Stir the dead. Steal the spotlight. Get out alive.
Bannerless Games
The Getaway: A Solo Car Chase RPG
Journal how you stay ahead of the law - or crash and burn
Bannerless Games
HEDGE - FREE Quickstart During Kickstarter!
The tactical power fantasy tabletop RPG of post-apocalyptic heroes versus the fey.
A Couple of Drakes
Cold Cuts & Melancholy: A Lasers & Feelings RPG Hack
A two-page Jersey Mob simulator. Generate a season of prestige TV and manage family/Family problems.
Bannerless Games
Ringwood's Guide to Saints of the Third Age
Generate a Saint for a Medieval Gothic Fantasy setting including tools of office, title, and supernatural boons.
Bannerless Games
Storm Furies
In bundle
A Space Combat Playset for the AGON rpg
John Harper
Beam Saber: The Growing Conflict
A supplement for Beam Saber that changes the scope of The War
Austin Ramsay
Armour Astir: Advent
In bundle
Revolutionary mechs and magic, powered by the apocalypse.
Briar Sovereign
Once More Into The Void
Can you save yourselves in order to save the galaxy?
Rae Nedjadi
Dirty Aces
Win or Lose Together. Touchstones: Firefly, The Dark Tower.
Bee Scerri, Red World Press
Wizard's Brunch
A game about boasting over drinks.
Nora Blake