Caltrop Core
Solo. Deck of cards
Solo. Dice and journal. Save the monster!
? Playing cards and a complete breakfast to put around it
?=more than 1. There's a sequel and now it's Christmas! Still babysitting
Solo. Fast or slow. 4 sided dice to beat a kaiju
Printable minimalist tarot deck
Solo. Magical Realism. Play over 7 days. Tarot deck
Solo. Take care of dragon eggs. Deck of cards
Sarlacc alternative? "Hide" treasure via Google Maps and lead players to it via clues
Solo. Be a cat
Solo? Deck of cards and a journal. Make a character
Solo. Tarot. Hero's journey and virgin's promise
Solo. Tea and Tarot
? Villains have to babysit
1-6 players. Play golf in hell
Solo. Lost Letters
Kid Friendly. Post-it-notes
Solo. Lyrics