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Hex-Drive (Un-Spelljammery)

a collection by Hereticwerks · last updated 2023-11-10 03:10:59
6 unusual engines for fantasy space vehicles
Random tables for the HexDrive jam
A bestiary written by Jane Hermiston for the #HexDriveJam
A Moon Archipelago
rpg adventure ideas, submission for HexDrive zine
Music for Navigation and Propulsion in the Void
A vast sea of wreckage floating in the Ether - for HexDrive Zine Jam
How could Spelljammer be anything else?
A system-agnostic TTRPG supplement. Created for the HexDrive Zine Jam
Submersible adventures in the Deep Aether beyond the fabric of mundane space.
A grim encounter in the fabulist void
​Strange Foucauldian interplanar visitors
Weird fantasy space opera. Submitted as part of the HexDrive Zine Jam.
A Simple Planet Generator for Spell Jammin'
A new Class for (Space)-Fantasy RPGs
A short supplement containing a setting description and ten adventure hooks.
A crew of living dead men, cast adrift in space forever