(more inside) Trying to get a method to show reviews publicly.
Really fun despite being a idle sort of game. Replayable too and probably a good party game filler for people who are allergic to controllers.
Super fun concept, brutal execution. The amount of micromanaging you need to do is impossible, there is no way to juggle your objectives between all the RNG factors against you.
Really wish there was a adaptive difficulty where my little dude can be faster and more controllable for I actually have a chance that isn't praying mid-setting up for a mission.
Otherwise a really nice game, just wish I was able to enjoy it more. Got stuck allot on project-N. Setting up for 8 mins just for bad RNG to dissolve plans isn't fun :(
PS: Making the mission to be preset wouldn't be the way either, maybe integrating some upgrades into the character starting out would make the things less harsh, its a bit silly not to have stablizers for any jetpack built in by default might I say.
PSS: The music is really nice.
Awesome game, never grew up with this title but I see its vision and feel this game is fully realize for what it is.
Honestly a wonderful done project for what it is, came out beautifully.
A pretty nice looking shader showcase, which there was more meat to this game tho.
This is really great, there allot so be warn. Took me 3 years to get through it with how the world normally treats my mood.
Tale as old as time, leave it to a fan to make more fun 3d Sonic game. The speed mechanics here are so much better than the likes of Sonic Generation.
Played this forever ago, a really cool experience for those who like their sci-fi movies and labyrinths
A really cool concept just wish there was more to it. Honestly dunno what direction to take it if theres more to it but it plays really nice for what it is.
A love letter and a horror letter to the good old creature that body else but us can see. Would suggest to share this with anyone who suffer from anxiety or don't. It be a special tool to help bridge that divide.
A game symbolizing the cross generational divide, the main character is more high class than any of us. Also pretty fun to play for the short game it is.