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Games I have rated and reviewedPage 2

a collection by TheLonely7 · last updated 2024-04-06 08:32:33
An adult visual novel set in an original fantasy world.
Visual Novel

Game is complete.

The story is great, having animated cut scenes and voice acting, The grammar is good very few typos/misspellings. The scenes are good, animated with sound along with some having voice acting as well,

No walkthrough is needed, however there are split paths and you will have to run two games to get all the scenes  in the gallery, If you want a walkthrough though there are multiple available.

Although the game has both sound and music there are times with prolonged silence which is a stark contrast when there is music and sound. The text can also be hard to read during some scenes due to the background.

Overall I rate the game a 4/5. Really solid game here, everything was above average and I enjoyed my time a lot. The last couple acts of the game felt kind of rushed and the scene quality lowered as well.

A diverse world with people and creatures. It all depends on you.

As of version 0.32

The story is fine. The grammar could use a little work. The scenes are okay, really short small animations, no sound. The gameplay is fine not to grindy and really simple.

The game does have a few problems. One being that it switches to Russian a fair amount even if you chose the English language. Two even if you choose/enable F/M you still get a large amount of M/M to the point where I wonder why its even an option. Three I am assuming the times where you completely lose your hud isn't suppose to happen as well. Four I ran into two error codes while playing the game as well.

No walkthrough needed, however there is no gallery and you can get locked out of scenes really easily. So when interacting with npc make sure to save so you can try the other choices.

Overall I rate the game a 3/5, not to bad but doesn't really have anything great either. Gay content is at a 4/1 ratio then the straight content as well.

A conspiracy fantasy story VN
Visual Novel

As of version 0.10 part 2

The story is okay very fast paced and kind of discombobulated and disjointed for my taste. The grammar is okay, a few problems here and there with some tenses and the occasional typo/misspelling. However a large part of the dialog is pretty awkward. The scenes are animated with no sound a few have pretty noticeable problems but get better further along.

The game does have a few split paths and choices to make so if you want a walkthrough there are some available, though the gallery is unlocked regardless whether or not you have played. 

Overall I rate the game a 3/5. A fairly decent game just not really for me I guess.

Meet your waifu in the adult world
Visual Novel

As of version 2.2.5

The story is ok I guess. The grammar is really bad, while not having to many typos/misspellings the entire sentence structure is horrid. It is very hard to understand what it is being said and I don't think anyone involved knows any English and just ran it through google translate and then basic level spell check. Absolutely horrid. The English got a little better or maybe I just got use to it but it is still pretty bad. Never mind the reason I thought the English got better was because I was spending 90% of my time moving around the map and engaging in other gameplay mechanics. So the amount of story or written dialog I was seeing was very little causing me to mistake it as an improvement. The scenes are decent animated but fairly short along with a few small instances of sound here and there. 

No walkthroughs available. The girls all have diverging paths and two different main routes. So running two saves one love and one slave along with saving for every choice to get the other scene is recommended. The games has music also ran into a few errors minutes into playing the game.

Overall I rate the game a 2/5. The scenes were fine, the writing/story is extremely juvenile adding in the terrible grammar and I don't care how pretty your game is, it is shit.

P.S. I may have been either to harsh or not harsh enough on the rating here, debated whether to give it a 1/5 or 2/5 for a long time eventually settling for a 2/5. I may be being harsh on it so much because I haven't ran into a game with such bad English in awhile lowing my tolerance.

Become a high-tier agent in an adult visual novel filled with crazy action and hot sex.
Visual Novel

As of episode 1.

The story is great and the clear focus of the game. The grammar is pretty good only one typo/misspelling so far. (typo during the interrogation scene)However there were a couple awkward sentences that could have been phrased better. The scenes aren't a lot currently only one so far as the story and world building is the focus. From what I have seen from the one available scene is that there is some clipping issues with hair during the animations along with the faces looking weird here and there, the scenes also have sound.

There are walkthroughs available should one need/want one. It is possible to miss scenes and there will be multiple paths to follow. The game has music.

Overall I rate the game a 4/5. It is pretty early to give a full review but so far from the short time spent on the game, it appears to be pretty good in both grammar and story. Looking forward to seeing whether the quality can stay the same in future updates.

An adult VN Sandbox and Management game
Visual Novel
Play in browser

As of version 0.045

The story is great. The grammar is great, only one typo/misspelling I have seen in the whole game.(during the centaur boobjob) The scenes are a mix between animated and none animated, no issues or problems of note, though they are on the short side in regards to the duration. The gameplay is simple nothing to hard or grindy.

No walkthrough is needed everything is really simple. Every choice is pretty obvious and the major path changing choices have warnings before them. The game has music and a built in gallery, though not very scene is in the gallery. The game also has no back option so be careful. 

Found a bug when giving the doll to kirana she loses her head and it appears at your feet.

Overall I rate the game a 4/5. Everything is pretty great as long as you like that art style and a wide collection of monster and animal girls this game is for you. Honestly a really solid and great game just feels a little lacking to be a 5/5 for me personally but is still really good.

Visual Novel

As of version 0.048v4

The story is ok, started good then fell apart a decent amount before rising back to the start again. So overall a fluctuating story ranging from good to bad placing it at just ok. The grammar is good, no real typos/misspellings besides the occasional forgotten capitalization and punctuation but the dialog can feel awkward sometimes. There are also a lot of  lines of dialog with the wrong name stated. The scenes are decent, very little animated and with very little sound and inconsistent music. The themes are the main reason to play the game containing a decent amount of the more darker themes.

No walkthrough is needed everything is fairly simple. However there are multiple paths and options where you can miss/deny scenes. The game also doesn't have a galley. There are also walkthrough mods should you want one.

Overall I rate the game a 3/5. There are a decent amount of things that could improve to get the rating to a 4/5, having the music and audio be more consistent, fixing all the incorrect names in the character boxes, and, since it started going for more animated scenes going back and redoing some of the early ones later on. 

Another look at Attack on Titan
Visual Novel
Play in browser

As of version 11.6

The story is good, decent parody of the series. The grammar is decent, there are a few typos/misspellings here and there. Some sentences that could be improved to have better flow and not sound so awkward.  Along with a few instances of the wrong character name being in the name box, and the occasional forgotten punctuation and sometime even a whole forgotten word in a sentence. The scenes are pretty good having both sound and animation for most of them. Also the art style change for the gameplay versus the scenes can be kind of jarring but you get use to it after awhile. Though it seems like there are two different art styles for scenes and one for gameplay totaling three... The gameplay isn't to bad doesn't feel to grindy and has a couple minigames which aren't to bad but you have to beat them to get the scenes. 

No walkthrough is need the in game one should be all you need. However if you do need help the comment section is full of kind hearted people willing to help. Also the game does have multiple paths that can lock you out of some scenes so frequent saves and two runs would be wise. The game also has music.

Some scenes reference a different path or scenes you never saw which is probably not intentional.(namely the instructor paths and Annie's paths.)

Overall I rate the game a 4/5. The story is good, the grammar could use a bit of a touch up here and there but overall is fairly decent, most of the scenes contain sound and music which is nice but the ones without either really need some. When adding sounds to scenes you set a precedent so every one without is a pretty big flaw, all or nothing when it comes to sound(excluding music every game should have that). The three different art styles hurts the game as well better to have it at a max of two but realistically one is the best.  Even with any future changes to help fix some of the things I listed above the game would still be a solid 4/5.

P.S. The game also having no quick save tab really sucked. As someone who saves a lot and plays multiple runs, I frequently use the quick save tab to manage my runs and keep everything in order. Not having the quick save tab sucked. I would also like to see the night interactions in gallery or tracked as well so I know when I have done every possible choice.

Visual Novel

As of version 0.26

The story is pretty good. The grammar is good only a few typos/misspellings here and there. The scenes are decent, mix of fully animate and partial animated scenes. The gameplay is good fairly average no big grind or anything.

I found a bug where if you start the questline for Eijiro to get his power before you fight jiro in class you cant proceed with jiro because when you go to the training center it triggers the 3 back to back fights from Eijiros questline. Another bug I found is if you go to the training center after you have done Ochacos gravity training and need to massage her, if you do the gravity training again you get locked in the room without being able to leave or access the buttons on the top to do anything and have to reload a save. If you fail the tentacle boss fight in the lab it also locks the game where you have to load a save as well.

There aren't any walkthroughs available and for the most part the in-game gallery and tips will get you through just fine. However there seems to be multiple paths you can follow that change your relationship with everyone so saving on choices is recommended as you may need to reload them to get all gallery scenes. There is also a gallery unlocker if you don't want to run multiple games or if you are having trouble getting the last few ones. The gallery also doesn't have all the scenes you see in the game, especially in regards to the mina content which you can get yet some of the scenes seem half done or only partially completed when compared to the others.

Overall I rate the game a 4/5. With the bugs and the typos fixed in future updates I say the game is a solid 4/5.

Visual Novel

As of version 0.1.8

The story is pretty average but has animated story parts, which is a plus. The grammar is ok? There aren't to many real typos or misspellings but rather that every line of dialog just seems off,  the way they are worded and flow after each other creates a real sense of dissonance in the dialog to me. The scenes are pretty good all animated. The gameplay is a little grindy but not to bad.

The game has a built in walkthrough and gallery along with music. For the walkthrough and galley be careful as you can miss events and be locked out of events so I would check the gallery often and save frequently to not miss anything.

Overall I rate the game a 3/5. I enjoyed my time and the grammar issue isn't deal breaking just awkward and irritating for me. The scenes could also be improved.

Visual Novel

As of version 0.3.0

A great story with well thought out world and characters. The grammar is pretty good with only 5-10 typos/misspellings. However there are a few sentences that are pretty awkward. The scenes are decent, animated with no sound.

No walkthrough needed.

Overall I rate the game a 4/5. Pretty short currently but I'm looking forward to future updates.

Free NSFW-Parody Visual novel
Visual Novel

As of version 0.3.4

The story is good. One of the parody games actually with a story, nice job. The grammar is ok, decent amount of misspellings and English issues. Along with problems with capitalization in dialog. The scenes are pretty good, animated with sound, however there are a decent amount of clipping for hair and body parts.

No walkthrough needed.

Overall I rate the game a 4/5. Its pretty short currently but it has a lot of potential. I'm looking forward to future updates.

Visual Novel

As of version 0.4

The story is ok fairly short at the moment so there isn't to much to go on. The grammar isn't great, a lot of failed and misuse of punctuation, a bunch of typos/misspellings, using the wrong gender for characters, dialog lacking the character name card, A few instances where your character name is reverted to the default name even if you changed it at the beginning, and a failure to capitalize a lot of words and names. The scenes are decent, animated without sound, with a good amount of clipping with clothes and accessories with the character model. Along with character on character interactions also clipping a fair amount.

The menu also has the quick and auto saves hidden for some reason.

No walkthrough is needed as everything is fairly simple, though you can't get all scenes in one playthrough and the game has music. 

Overall I rate the game a 3/5. A pretty average parody game so far and really short as well less then a hour counting the multiple runs I did to see all the choices. The grammar is a huge flaw for the game and the scenes could be improved.

NSFW parody game in Naruto's universe
Visual Novel

As of version 20.2

The story is fine. The grammar is mostly great a few typos here and there, but nothing to bad. The scenes are ok, honestly nothing to impressive or anything just ok. Scenes have a little sound and a few animated parts. 

No walkthrough needed the game has a built in walkthrough along with cheats menus, gallery unlocker, and other mods to improve or help the game experience. The game also has music.

Overall I rate the game a 2/5. I was honestly bored for most of my time playing this, maybe its just not for me. However I felt like there was a bunch of stuff to go through for subpar scenes and was just bored and disappointed for how long it took to get there. The story was fine but it didn't really interest me and I don't know if anyone would find it interesting either. 

Adult camp management sim
Visual Novel

As of version 0.13.2

The story is pretty good slightly average. The grammar is great very few typos/misspellings, however I did notice a few times where the characters names were mixed up. The scenes are decent half animated, However the is a constant flicking of an image unrealted to the scene s when viewing, there is also no sound or music at all for the entire game. The gameplay is pretty bad and I encountered 3-4 bugs and error with 1-2 being game breaking in the first hour of playtime. Very little ended being explained, map navigation, how to progress with girls, how to build and upgrade buildings, etc.  I'm hoping that the reason for this is due to a bug I encountered causing me to be stuck in a loop for the first 6 days after I got to the camp, not just because it all wasn't really explained.

Overall I rate the game a 2/5. Realistically game is probably a  3/5 but I found the gameplay with the bugs to be to big of a problem to give it anything higher then a 2/5.

Adult dating simulator with characters from different Animes/Mangas.
Visual Novel

As of version 0.8

The story is nonexistent. The grammar is good but has a problem with capitalization after a period in the same dialog box and missing punctuation here and there. Also a few instances where the person talking doesn't match the character title or in dialog you reference the wrong person, sometimes yourself or a different character then the one you are meant to be talking with. Finally what I really dislike about the grammar is the shorting of words or phrases example 'You to u' doesn't happen to often but I extremely dislike such lazy writing in dialog. The scenes are pretty good if you ignore the clipping of hair and body parts. The scenes are animated with sound and there are small variations in the acts that the characters do with you, so it isn't the exact same scenes just with a character model and a few unique scenes for some characters. However the scene are really short 5-10 seconds max which is pretty bad. The gameplay isn't to grindy but it was made with the intention to draw out game time. There is a cheat available that can lesson the time and have it where you can visit more then one girl per day but you have to keep entering it into the computer as it doesn't carry over that part only the affection for the girls.(which is pointless if you already did the affection legit.) The game has a decent amount of characters and a big ambition for more to come, whether it will be realized is to be seen in the future.

Overall I rate the game a 3/5. Just a average parody game. 

Former classmate 0.4.9
Visual Novel

The game Is complete.

The story is decent, however is told from the traps prospective so be warned in advance and when naming the characters be careful. The grammar is pretty great didn't see to many issues and those I did seem were minor early on. However later I started seeing a decent amount of typos and forgotten capitalization the further I got into the game with the last third of the game being pretty atrocious. The scenes are ok a mix between straight and gay with animations that have some problems with clipping and expressionless faces, no sound or music except the last 1-2 scenes of the game.

No walkthrough is needed, but you can miss two scenes if you don't save or go back when presented with a choice.

Overall I rate the game a 3/5 a short mostly gay game, the scenes could be improved, along with the grammar especially the last third of the game where if felt like the grammar and any quality checking went out the window to make it a 4/5. Overall a pretty average game.

Adult meet and fuck simulator based on Cartoon characters.
Visual Novel

As of version 0.7

The story is nonexistent. The grammar has a decent amount of issues with misspellings and even has character names mixed up. You could be doing a scene with one then have anothers name show up in the middle. The scenes are actually pretty good being animated with sound, however they end in 3-5 seconds so they aren't great. The game is fairly simple and not to grindy, however you can skip it all with the cheats menu if you want.

Overall I rate the game a 3/5. The scenes are about the only decent thing in the game. If the scenes get longer and the characters didn't all share the same dialog and actions for everything and instead had there own personality then the game would have hope but I'm being generous when I'm giving it a 3/5.

The House where anything goes.
Play in browser

As of version 0.1.32

The story is basically nonexistent. The grammar is ok, there are a decent amount of misspellings not only in the very little dialog you run into but in the menu as well, The scenes are the clear focus and have a decent amount of variety and customization for the characters. The game play is fine its to be expected for this type of game not  really to grindy but you have to put some time into getting the characters unlocked.  Has a large amount of characters to interact with.

Overall I rate the game a 3/5. Just not my cup of tea and having the subscribestar and patreon buttons in the middle of the gameplay was annoying. 

Explore the many paths of romance, corruption and debauchery at your reunion with childhood friends.
Visual Novel

As of version 0.17d (a patch is available should one want it.)

The story is average all taking place over a weekend that you repeat with some of your choices carrying over. The grammar is fairly good with only 5-15 typos/misspellings so far. The scenes are ok nothing to amazing or bad about them. However there are two types, the main being just simple images and text. The other less common type having animations. The gameplay is pretty grindy and if you don't hard focus people it can be tough to advance much.  The game has a built in walkthrough so if you get stuck you can use it along with a few other tools to figure everything out. 

The game contains no sound, so get your music playlist ready.

Overall I rate the game a 3/5. 

Story-focused adult visual novel.
Visual Novel

As of chapter 4.

The story is decent, despite being the clear focus of the game. The grammar is good, only around 3-5 typos/misspellings.  The scenes are below average and lacking in quantity. 

No need for a walkthrough as everything is pretty simple. However if you want one there is a walkthrough mod available.

Overall I rate the game a 3/5. Even though the story is the clear focus, it  is quite lacking in pulling the reader in, along with the game being quite short. It left me with the impression of being a discount Light Of My Life which had a more engaging story and scenes from others while progressing with the main girls without feeling bored or that the game is just story with slight sexual tension.

Adult visual novel. Be nice or not...
Visual Novel

As of version 0.0.93(itch is behind in updates)

The story has a simple premise and is fairly decent overall. The grammar has a decent bit of awkwardness to it, sometimes it feels like the capitalization and punctuation are off or not done with the thought of going into the dialogue boxes, there are extra spaces between the end of words and punctuation a decent amount as well, along with a fair bit of small typos and even misspellings of the characters names. The Scenes are below average for most of the game with a few exceptions. The gameplay has 4 choices in regard to difficulty and is an open world so you can choose how you want to play. Some of the game is missing background images(1 so far that I have found.)

There are walkthroughs available should you need them however they seem to be out of date. The game also has in game gallery and a hint system if you are stuck.

Overall I rate the game 3/5.

Thuy is trying to get home late at night, what things are waiting for her in the dark?
Visual Novel

Game is complete.

Played this awhile back so no in-depth review for it. From what I remembered is was a fairly short game with good grammar and a ok story. The scenes were pretty good as well, however it being ultimately just a short story lessens the rating for me.

Overall I rate the game a 3/5. Fairly average game on the shorter side, only thing really of note would be the tags/themes of the game itself.  

A young boy has been locked for years in a mental facility, he now has the opportunity to let out all his hate and anger
Visual Novel

As of episode 8 part 1 (warning the content of the game can get extreme and isn't for most people.)

The story is decent. The grammar is pretty rough with a bunch of misspellings/typos, along with a few awkward sentences and cases of  complete misuse of words. There may also be a few times where the character talking isn't the one shown in the textbox either, however with the poor grammar it is hard to tell if that's fully the case. The scenes are ok but I noticed a few scenes having the wrong images shown and sometimes when making a choice it skips the scene and shows the other one even though you didn't pick that one. The themes are a big factor of whether or not you will like the game. The first 2-3 scenes will be a big indicator for what's to come as it only gets more extreme later on.

No walkthrough is needed you can just run two saves and choose differently for the big events for the most part. However if enough people ask for one I can make it in the future.

Overall I rate the game a 3/5. I enjoyed the game a lot with its themes, however with the poor quality of the grammar and  messed up scenes it is hard to give it a 4/5. Hopefully there will be a update that fixes the grammar and the few scenes then the  game can be given a 4/5 in the future.

Help him impregnate a town full of women
Visual Novel

As of episode 1-5 (end of season 1)

The story is pretty good. The grammar is ok, there are a decent amount of misspellings/typos and a few awkward sentences here and there. The dialog can also seem weird and lacking in certain aspects. The scenes can vary between ok and pretty good, as the game has a few different animation styles used for different scenes. The gameplay has two paths that you can choose at the start, the pure vanilla harem path and the open choices path. The pure path will skip some story elements and scenes early which can make the game shorter by a decent amount in exchange for keeping everything vanilla. The open choices path has more of the problematic kinks and overall more choices and story. There isn't a gallery (until the very end, I also got all the scenes so I don't know if some end up locked at then end or if you can still see the full list to know if you missed some.), walkthrough, or a in-depth explanation of the point/stat system which can lock out some choices. Granted I only got locked out of scenes and choices when playing the pure route even though  I did all the choices that would seemingly give me the points to unlock them. After playing both I would recommend just playing the open choices path and avoid the major taboos for you while accepting everything else, less of a hassle that way and the only differences so far happen in the short chapters one and two in the choices with Carla.

Overall I rate the game a  4/5. Honestly its probably a 3/5 for most people but I like the main focus of the kinks enough to bump it up 1 point.  

P.S. It said to have the sound on as its important yet, for most of the game there isn't even music... let alone sound.

Character-focused Adult Visual Novel
Visual Novel

As of version 0.3

The Story Is pretty alright and the main focus of the game. The grammar is great only 2-5 errors that I have seen. The scenes Take awhile to get to as the story is the clear focus so much in fact that there are little to no scenes at all contrary to the gallery with seems to have a ok amount. The ones you do get are mostly just mild nudity with very little be actual sexual content. The one with sexual content was pretty good though.

There is a walkthrough available should you need it. Like the game says there are different paths and you wont be able to get everything in one playthrough so you can use the walkthrough on your second go.

Overall I rate the game  3/5 currently a huge amount of story with very little pay off in sexual scenes and a rather long time in getting to them. Was kind of hard pushing through the story as its all slice of life for the most part. 

Visual Novel

As of version 0.6.0

The story is really good I like it, might be a bit generic with the whole bad guy(mafia/assassin) trying to be good now, or wanting a change in lifestyle. The grammar is better then expected after seeing the warning that English is the second language of the creator. There still are a decent amount of misspellings here and there but overall much better then expected. The scenes are pretty good as well nothing to note being bad about them. Gameplay you have two main paths or options you can choose for every girl so running two saves for each one is probably a good idea if you want to see everything.

Side note I enjoyed the western style music when it popped in every once in awhile.

Overall I rate the game a 4/5 

There are walkthroughs available should you need or want it, however I haven't seen anything too important to need one. Also they game is kind of short currently so their isn't any huge diverging paths.

A NSFW RPG about exploring a fantasy world

As of version 0.3.1

The story is really good not only for the world building but for every character as well. The grammar is really amazing very little to no typos/misspellings. The scenes are kind of a toss up, contrary to what is present in the preview you can see on the game page, 90% of the scenes are a single picture with a heavy amount of text describing the scene. Also the art style is different for a decent amount of the scenes. Then if you compare the text with what is shown there are a few differences in things like eye color or a few other small things. The animation can also differ from both the text and pictures. The animation is also a 3-5 second loop so there isn't much there as well. The character creation in relation to the scenes themselves also don't seem to matter much as for every scene you are a purple being. The only thing that matters is the gender as you will have different options based on it.  The gameplay is really good simple rpg, stats, armor, etc. Same with the combat it is rare to lose unless you try and speed through the zones or get careless.

I would like to see a scene collection for each map area or for each character/enemy so we have an idea of when a section is fully completed, as right now there isn't anything like that and you have to base it off memory. I also noticed that when using the arrow keys during the text or during the scenes resulted in inconsistent results. They either skipped a to the next section of text you haven't viewed or went down one to two lines of text. I prefer the second way however I couldn't get it to happen consistently and it can be annoying when going threw the text one handed. Also when it jumps to the next paragraph it can jump half way through it so you have to scroll back up to read the missed text rendering using the arrow keys to navigate more of a pain then anything else.

I don't know if it is intended but when asked to input the secret code in the sewers you can just back out then try and enter it again and it will let you through without putting in the code. Granted the code is really simple so I don't know if it this should matter but just something I found. Also sometimes in combat the dog companion will attack a already dead enemy, didn't happen often but it does happen.

There also seems to be bug where after every fight you get a blank page with continue written on it and you don't get exp from fights meaning you have to start a new game. Granted this was right after starting  a new game I was going to use for testing some stuff out, so I don't know if this can happen mid run.

Overall I rate the game a 4/5 It has a great base and amazing grammar, so with a few features added to the game like I mentioned above and maybe a rework of the scenes to have them all be animated or at least with the same art style might put this game in 5/5 territory.

There is no walkthrough available or gallery so if you are missing scenes you wouldn't know it lol. However if you get stuck you can usually find help on the game page.

Wholesome harem theme
Visual Novel

As of version 0.11.0

The story is pretty good, as long as you are interested in the girls stories and world. The grammar is pretty good as well, however I have noticed more and more sentences will be seemingly missing words here and there along with a couple typos/misspellings. Overall not a lot, the majority of the dialog is good and without errors. The scenes seem to be decent only real complaint I have is that they are really short 10-15 sec max early game and unless you hard focus the main quests it could take over 6 hours of play time to get a decent scene.

Overall I rate it a 3/5. Like I said when mentioning the story if you like the base story and the girls this game is probably a 4/5 for most, as other then it taking awhile for the scenes its a pretty great game with its rpg elements and everything else. However I didn't really like a few key points of the story and never found any girl that interested me enough. With that in mind I found it hard to give the game anything higher then a 3/5 even though for most it would be a 4/5.

Perversely Wholesome
Visual Novel

As of version 0.35 (A lewd patch is available should you want to use it.)

The story is pretty good, it keeps the player interested and guessing where things are heading next, then being surprised at what they get. The grammar is fairly decent, however there are a few sentences with a missing word or punctuation here and there, along with some sentences having an extra unneeded word. Overall very little typos and misspellings, but still present and becomes a little more common the further you progress through the game. The scenes are fairly average as well with no animation or sound, meaning it relies heavily on the dialog, kinks, and the variety of different types of women for the most part. 

This game is rather large so there are walkthroughs available should you need it. However most choices seemed fairly obvious so I'm not sure its needed. There seems to be only 4 scenes you can miss  if you follow everyone's route at the same time, with most just being a small variation between the scene you get and the one you didn't. The normal text based walkthroughs I could find were pretty outdated though, so if you want an up to date one you will need to download the mod version. I would recommend the one with the jukebox addition as the default game doesn't have any sound.

Overall I rate the game a 4/5. Honestly surprised myself with the rating as first impressions was looking like a mid tier 3/5 or a low 4/5 being overall pretty average with a higher rating for grammar. However I ended up playing for hours and not getting bored and really enjoying the game. So although the grammar started slipping the further you got into the story, the scenes not being the best, or the fact there is zero sound whatsoever unless you download a mod. I ended up really enjoying the game so although it probably won't reach 5/5 even till its end I highly recommend this game.

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