The line between "professional monster hunter" and "amateur monster hunter" can be deceptively thin.
"But like, the setting is like another character."
A mystery for Monster of the Week based on It and with a great sense of place.
Professional monster hunters.
Slugblaster is a ton of fun with lots of attitude and a novel approach to advancement.
You enter a moment of crisis.
Neon Black's approach to the cyberpunk genre feels truly punk, with a focus on building community and fighting back against capitalism.
Bump borrows Disaster/Peace's approach to conditions, but the game does a whole lot of other cool stuff besides that.
Bump uses the "highlighted actions" tech, but beyond that Moth-Light has an innovative approach to world creation and character relationships.
Incredibly influential on Bump in the Dark's approach to position/effect, but beyond being a great game, it's also a master class in how to structure a rules book.
This game literally changed how I think about making, running, and playing games.
Strange things are happening, and it's your job to investigate and contain them.
The original.
Bump in the Dark is, in many ways, a love letter to Monster of the Week. A great, fast-paced, fiction-first game that is an absolute blast to play.