Old games of mine. These are not my best work anymore, but they can still be fun to look back on and reminisce.
Made for Ludum Dare 37 when I was 13. It ended up mostly being just an experience learning GMS2. Killed by an embarrassing mistake since I couldn't export it from my GMS2 demo at the time. But years later, I own GMS2 so it is finally playable on windows. Some of the MS Paint drawings are kind of cute.
Made for Ludum Dare 35 when I was 14. Some of the art on this one is pretty good I think.
Made when I was 14 for the LowRezJam 2017. The game didn't actually work very well in the 64x64 for the jam, but the postjam higher resolution version is still fun.
Made this in middle school, ages 12-14. Some weird design but I'm still proud of it. Probably my best game of the era.
Made when I was 13. Asteroids game played with your mouse. Still a big fan of this control scheme. The art on this one is cute, I think. Also a fan of the cutscene that plays when you die.
Made when I was 12. Some interesting ideas here ?