Didn't know where dafuq this was going, but it definitely was a trip.
Fun chill game... with some unwinnable seeds. >.>
-v2B (lexaloffle site version)
edit: Turns out, the challenge is completing the halos before placing them below. :x
Clever girl.
Vampire Survivor (or Overture) on a PICO-8. Hell yeah, this is fun... and alot less angering stressful than I remember the latter being. >.>
-v1.0.0a (lexaloffle site version)
addictive af; wth?
played for 6hrs straight
fun lil game once you figure out the controls
fun and short
> This was fun. Resigned the first time and had a full run the second. Couldn't make the socialist 'hellscape' I wanted, but with a few compromises we're getting there... if the next candidate doesn't undo everything. >.>
> While this did send my mind places that I would've preferred it hadn't, I'm glad to have experienced it (and survived). Thanks for making this. This relatable game that I took 8 years to finally play.
Glad I experienced it.
> Well, that was a trip. I'm glad I experienced it and am pretty sure there's atleast one lesson for me to actually learn from this "game".