Find me on Twitter: @BonzerrLopez
A game made in Phaser 3, help Robo-Explorer find his family after the aftermath of the "great war." Fight with mutated monsters as you seek to find clues and powerup items to help you seek Robo-Explorer's missing family.
A game developed in HomeTeamGameDev - Lighthouse Group
A phaser
Developed Mar 12 - June 11, 2023
Developed Sept 4- Dec 11, 2022
On Rails space shooter
My Contributions: Final Boss Music, Trees models with variations.
Developed Sept 11- Nov 20, 2022
My contributions: music
Developed Aug 7 - Oct 30, 2022
My Contributions: Future music, missile art, collection sound, lose hp sound, rotating shield sprites.
A 3D adventure game developed in unity with HometeamGameDev
My Contributions: Final boss music, barrel model with wood textures, cement mixer, boss fight sound, tree model, robot hover sound, shovel model, hardhat, hammer
A browser game made in HTML5. Repair droid simulator
Sagan's Robocraft is a WebGL game and also supports the Oculus Quest!
Developed with HomeTeamGameDev Lighthouse Group
My Contributions: Tesla coil Blender model, storage box, laptop model, robotic arm on desk model.
Developed Apr 17 - Aug 7, 2022
My Contributions: Wrench art, exterior ambient sound, interior lab sound, did some play testing and gave feedback.
Developed from February to July 17, 2022
A shooter type game made through Unity and C#. Developed by 11 contributors with HomeTeam GameDev
Worked as Project Lead/Code: core gameplay, player control including robot transformation, support drones power up, asteroid functionality, level transitions, audio integration, tuning and bug fixes.
Story/Art/Animation: story writing and illustrations, scrolling planet background art, player / enemy / boss art, environment art, level designs, explosion sprites, story animation.
Music: Intro music, ship explosion, small laser sound, boss & diffrent level bg sounds, & ending music.
Shooting game developed with HomeTeam GameDev
My Contributions: Did some play testing and gave feedback.
This is an adventure game developed by a team of 14 with HomeTeam GameDev. A browser based game in HTML5 and a Rogue like futuristic shootem-up game.
Blender Modelling/Audio assets: Flying enemy 3d model, ambient sound, and boss death sound
This is a car racing game that was developed by a team of 7 with HomeTeam GameDev.
Blender Modelling: Traffic Cone and Box Model
This is a space adventure game developed in Unity from where I was able to contribute as a playtester with HomeTeamGameDev.
Playtesting: Did playtesting and gave some feedback.
Developed Nov 28-Feb 27, 2022
This a browser based shooting game made through HTML5 and JavaScript, it is a strategy game that aims to shoot enemies and objects to move from one level to another.
Code / Art: Hunter bot (art and code), Blocker enemy art, blocker bullet.
Audio: background sound, courtyard music, ending music, turret sound.
Playtesting / Bug - report: Assorted bug fixing.
August 29, 2021 - November 21, 2021 - 7 collaborators
This a browser based platformer game made through HTML5 and JavaScript. This is the first project that I've led together with HomeTeamGameDev.
Worked as Project lead and conducted marketing posts.
Code / Art: core gameplay , main artist and animator, custom level editor, UI, enemy AI.
Audio: Composed sound effects.
Writing: Wrote the main storyline.
May 16, 2021 - October 10, 2021 - 24 collaborators
A shooter type classic game made through HTML and JavaScript. This is the first HTML5 browser game from where I was able to learn how to make game sprites and contribute some basic art with HomeTeam GameDev.
Art: Fire snake sprite.
Aug 15 - December 12, 2021 - 8 collaborators
A detective type game that explores rooms while avoiding enemies. This is the first Unity game I've contributed to with HomeTeam GameDev from where I was able to contribute some audio sounds and wrote an initial draft of the story line.
Audio: Created door lock sounds, security camera sounds, walkie talkie beep, & additional walkie talkie voice.
Writing: Mission 1st story initial draft.