An intriguing incremental game, love the mechanics: especially the depth in deciding your spell loadout
Play this game, it rules. This game is one of my favorites. I wrote an entire review of praise, short version: soundtrack is amazing and the combat is so good it makes hollow knights combat seem bad
Celeste Classic 1 is sweet, and the sequel is even better. The core mechanic is great, and one of the levels has a type of platforming challenge I've always wanted to make a game around
Great Puzzle Arcade game. The shifting mode of interaction with the board does a lot to keep it interesting as you are playing
Like duet but better. I love the creativity in obstacles and the constraint of having to try to reach objectives with both dots
Neat and unique idea with great surprises.
This captures how alien it feels to learn to drive and practice parking so perfectly.
Simple, cute and delightfully evil. These are good attributes for a puzzle game
Does a great job of progressing the challenge and chaos on screen.