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Interesting Generators and Similar Tools

a collection by Hereticwerks · last updated 2024-01-15 20:06:17
Crowd sourced table of freaky little guys to inhabit your dungeons
30 pages of rolling tables related to magic: Wand, Curse, Artifact, Beast, etc.
A FREE utility that can generate thousands of names for characters, items, enemies, and plants!
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A system-agnostic random resource generator
A solo journaling game of ambling through the borderlands
Tiny plans of tiny multi-storey houses
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Tank doodle generator
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An medieval NPC generator, may it please you
Create Galaxy Hexmaps in 20 minutes or less!
For when your players die (hooray!) and want to be back in the game (hooray!)
A 4d20 table for creating heel-face heroes with sketchy pasts to aid your party.
Role Playing
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An experimental generic TTRPG supplement for random generation of zombies.
A pointcrawl worldmap generator for ECO MOFOS!!
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1-page of tables to create weird places for your science-fantasy or space-fantasy rpg
One-line descriptions of various npcs in a fantasy city
Town icon generator
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Generate a name for your fantasy tea.
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A MEATY Name Generator for Lichoma & other Dark, Grim & Grizzly TTRPGs!
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Artificial entities are as varied as organic ones...
Name the bringer of the end of days…
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