FULL TILT FUN. The metroid game you never expected to be like it is. But it is, but it is!
Maaaaybe I'm missing something here... but something about the relative visibility of the game makes it REALLY REALLY HARD. Like... how do you even anticipate where to shoot your light arrows? There's really not enough to totally light up your path, and not a lot of resources within reach many times... but once in awhile, you'll get a good run going. My best so far is just Stage 5, but usually Stage 2/3 gets me.
A very well designed action-arcade game, reminiscent of the original Castlevania - but without the stiff controls and inflexible jumping of it.
Beautiful action-adventure game with exciting boss battles, plenty of neat secrets, and an infectious soundtrack that will ring your ears for months. 10/10 - everything you love about Metroidy games, but completable in about 1/4 of the time.
Most of the fun of Nidhogg, with absolutely none of the setup, great gamepad support, and fun sword-throwing dynamics that just... works! 8/10, terrific demake!