Games developed from September 2020 through December 2023 during my undergrad at UCLA
A team effort -- our team for Ludum Dare 54 tried using Godot for 3D development (most of us were brand new to Godot!)
A team effort -- our team for the SonderingEmily x Juliestrator 2023 Game Jam decided to learn Unreal Engine 5 for the jam.
A team effort -- the Ludum Dare 51 version of the other Scribble Rush I have up on my profile!
UI designer + artist.
Composer + art lead.
Kudos to the team! (I was not a direct contributor, but I did help come up with the name and concept for the game.)
A team effort -- I was a 2D artist and drew the backgrounds and objects in the attic. I also assisted with coloring the CG art.
A team effort -- I was a pixel artist for the first ever game I worked on! I also thoroughly playtested.
A team effort -- made for the Berklee Game/Music Jam. I did the art.