literally what is says on the tin.
i havent tried this yet so will update this when i do. but. wow. i did NOT expect to see Boothill Honkaistarrail when I was browsing the NSFW tag on itch. IMMEDIATELY going in the fave collection i do NOT care
Surprised I haven't added this to the collection yet. One of the first ero-games I've ever found with a character customisation beyond cisgender sex binary. You can mix and match parts and pronouns, my favourite way to customise a character's sex and gender!
It's a short, quaint, cute little story. I would play this over and over again when I first found it.
Games whose character customisation aren't just "cis man" and "cis woman" are a dime a dozen, so more often than not I end up clinging to them. This one has transmen, transwomen, and nonbinary options. Fun for everyone. Seems to be heavily inspired by Degrees of Lewdity, an all-time fave of mine.
My only qualm is that as of this writing, gender is preset to a specific body configuration, so you can't be a transmasc with big ass bahonkadonks. Rejoice, gamers. This is now a thing. I rate this game ten kerjillion points out of ten.
What can I say? It's simple sexy fun, with a surprisingly well-thought out and well-written story. Didn't expect to get a philosophical lesson in here. No, seriously:
"I don't want to live in a world where people get what they deserve," the matron says, smiling. "When people need to be protected, they should be protected. When people need to be stopped, they should be stopped. What anyone deserves or doesn't deserve is no business of mine."
That's a quote from the game. Like, okay?? Damn??
Also, this game was the game that desensitised me to watersports, which paved the way for my gradual like for it. Kudos, Dev.
Note to anyone who's using this collection as a games rec: there's a lot of watersports in this game. The dev added the option to turn it off, but IMO if you don't like watersports you're better off not playing this game at all---urine is literally one of the ingredients you have to collect for making potions, so like it or not, even with the watersports filter on, you'll have to engage in it in some capacity.
Basically an erotic prison sandbox simulator. There is a story, but since the game is in its wee days of development it hasn't progressed that far. Very bondage-focused. Me likey.
All time fave. The main draw for me is the ability to mix and match parts regardless of whether you identify as an incubus or a succubus, but gameplay-wise it does get a bit repetitive after a while.
Text-based adventure game, with a side of management? I like the game because of the character customisation--not many games separate sex from gender, let alone porn games--but the story's still building up.
Kinda iffed by the battle-end "skip sex" scenes, though; they feel too.... pandering, I guess. It's very.... disconnected, for a lack of a better way to put it: a lot of the time it has a goofy little blurb about how the enemies "respect your boundaries/consent and leave". It's a bit out of place for me (the rest of the game is so cruel and unforgiving--hell, characters don't shy away from telling you you're gonna die a horrible death ten times over straight to your face--so why the fuck are the enemies so "hurr hurr I respect you" about this?) and so reduces my immersion. A shame, really; the rest of the game is so good.
Sweet and simple TF IF. It's very personal to me, because MC, despite being a cis man, didn't go through the whole "Oh, god, I'm a girl now!!!1!1!!!1!" phase when he grew a cunt. I don't think he even switched pronouns until way later, in the epilogues. That little detail is just.... so important to me, okay.
Text-based management game. It's fun, but as the owner of the establishment you don't get fucked, unfortunately. Good if I'm feeling manage-y, not that great if I'm feeling horny.
Card game where each card you play TFs people. I love sex between friends and I love being a little slut, so, yeah.
A short and simple story. It's not exactly like... wank material? In the sense that it isn't necessarily titillating, but I love casual sex between bros, so it's my cuppa.