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Forged in the Dark games

A tabletop RPG of sailing and discovery across a vibrant treetop sea
An original setting and game hack for Blades in the Dark that is inspired by early Sci-Fi like Flash Gordon.
The game of intrigue, romance, and peril, Forged in the Dark.
A salvaging ship for the Scum and Villainy rpg.
The Free, Open and Generic Role-Playing Game to Power Your Storytelling
A game of goblin revolutionaries fighting elven oppression in a world of smoke and shadows, Forged in the Dark.
Fantasy-cyberpunk Forged in the Dark
A Hard Sci-Fi Game about a Community Suriving an Authoritarian Space Regime
Modern Action & Intrigue, Forged in the Dark
Anti-Heroes: Supers, Forged in the Dark
Role Playing
Bumbling B-Side Supers
Near Future, Forged in the Dark
A FitD (Forged in the Dark) game of playing a faceless corp hit squad
The magical girl tabletop RPG Forged in the Dark to fight darkness.
An RPG of paranormal investigation and weird bureaucracy