These games were created by online team members in HomeTeam GameDev. We're a community of around 100 people making games together remotely since October 2015. Each quarter we tally which members participated at least 2/3 of the weeks during those 3 months. We refer to these consistent contributors as "Game Changers."
Click on any name to learn more about that member's progress in learning game development. Anyone can apply to practice game development with HomeTeam GameDev.
Current Game Changers / Consistent Contributors:
More than four years -
25 quarters: H Trayford
23 quarters: Vince McKeown
17 quarters: Tyler Funk
Four years or less -
16 quarters: Vaan Hope Khani, Michael Fewkes
14 quarters: Cassidy Noble
13 quarters: Patrick McKeown
Three years or less -
12 quarters: Michael Monty, Rodrigo Bonzerr Lopez
Two years or less -
7 quarters: Syed Daniyal Ali
6 quarters: Dan Dela Rosa
One year or less -
4 quarters: Jason Timms
3 quarters: Justin Montgomery
2 quarters: Alex Joiner, Marvin Chong, Elizabeth McMahill, Vitor M
1 quarter: Chris "BOLT" Bolte, Dylan Peck, Gwyn Henry, AdilShafiq, Cindy Andrade, jakeyouh dogwalker
Former Game Changers:
22 quarters: Randy Tan Shaoxian
16 quarters: Ian Cherabier, Klaim (A. Joël Lamotte)
15 quarters: Stebs, Tylor Allison, Charlene A., Brian J. Boucher
14 quarters: Gabriel Cornish, Jeremy Kenyon
12 quarters: Luis Montaña
11 quarters: Grygoriy Kulesko, Armando Navarrete, Grygoriy Kulesko, Caspar "SpadXIII" Dunant, Jeff "Axphin" Hanlon, Kornel, Ashleigh M.
10 quarters: Gonzalo Delgado
9 quarters: Barış Köklü, Bilal A. Cheema
8 quarters: Ryan Malm, Patrick J Thompson, Terrence McDonnell, Simon J Hoffiz, Fahad Muntaz
7 quarters: Jonathan Peterson, Patrick Moffett, Andy King, Jaime Rivas, Brian Nielsen, Will McKay, Justin Chin
6 quarters, Neil Urwin, ClayTaeto, Rémy Lapointe, Jeremiah Franczyk, Alan Zaring
5 quarters: Kyle Knutson, Johan Östling, Nicholas Polchies, Kyle Black, Michelly Oliveira, Philip Greene, Liyi Zhang, EyeForcz
4 quarters: Christian Gabbianelli, Chris Lange, Vignesh Ramesh, Roc Lee, Cooper Willis, Jared Rigby, Sergio Ferrer, Rob Tunstall, Allan Regush, Rohit "n4rwal" Kumar
3 quarters: Brandon Paul, Kise, Dan Lazar, Abhishek @akhmin_ak, Anthony Juarez, Praneil Kamat, Cameron Button, Chris Markle, Simon Donohoe, Bjorn The Fire, Antti L., Colton Henderson
2 quarters: Erik Verlage, Jeremy Jackson, Trenton Pegeas, Rami Bukhari, Andrew Mushel, FightEXP, Chad Linthicum, Evan Sklarski, Drew Beardall, Filipe Dottori, I-wei Chen, Marcel van Dijk, Carl Hughes, Andrew Hind, Ryan Cahela
1 quarter: Kelly Mark, Jordan Johnson, Trevor Morrisey, Dominick Aiudi, MrPhil (Philip Ludington), Joshua Yee, Tor Andreas Johnsen, mike dg,, Luke Piazza, Daniel Xiao, Derek Miranda, Himar Gil Hernandez, Tyler Pelaez, Zac Bogner, Rikard Åkesson, Maimi Boucher, Rutger McKenna, Carson Sanders, Catherine San Luis, Lexi "LexiGameDev" Kunkel, Cyriel De Neve, Thomas Brandoli, Ygor Dimas, Trolzie, Brian Dieffenderfer, Daniel Viruet, NotNaut, Nic Barkdull, Samuel Axon, Ryan Young, Ryan Kevin Atienza, Erin Weaver, Paul Naser
Though we build games in HomeTeam, we are not a studio, so making the best games we can is not our top priority. HomeTeam exists to help members practice and get practical training, as well as hands-on experience on original team projects that release on schedule. The freeware games below are a byproduct of how our members are exploring and developing their potential year-round.
We'd also like to acknowledge our Community Ambassadors: Chris Lange, Vaan Hope Khani, Klaim (A. Joël Lamotte), Michael Fewkes, Simon J Hoffiz, Johan Östling, Patrick Moffett, Gabriel Cornish, Abhishek @akhmin_ak, Ashleigh M., Cassidy Noble, Tylor Allison, Jared Rigby and Michael Monty
Developed Mar 24-Aug 25, 2024
Project co-lead, main mechanics, lead level design, tower model and environment, flying and glide implementation, floating island, elevator, platforms, telekinesis, tuning, levitation highlight, splash screen fix: Simon J Hoffiz
Project co-lead, core gameplay, player character, cloth sim, models (handholds, handcrafted mountains, tunnel, shard), climbing with hand IK, water, mantling, puzzle system, save system, triplaner environment material, rope bridge, grass with dynamic displacement and dither distance fade, post-processing settings: Tyler Funk
Detail scatter tool, spline mesh tool, procedural mesh tool and related sample, cave region, lightweight test map, landscape updates: Christian Gabbianelli
Environment textures (variety of plants) and model chunks (cliffs, rocks, sand, rock arch, slate block, pebbles), mesh generators (boulders, mountains), slippery ice, music integration, environment performance improvements: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Stamina bar and related functionality (including drain), gliding unlock, shard collection UI updates, flapping noise integration: Luis Montaña
Main level music: Alan Zaring
Footsteps linked to ground material, spline mesh actor rendering, shard pickup visual effect, grab input, main menu button hookups (continue, restart) and improvements (hover and confirmation), main menu music integrated: Dylan Peck
Level unlock system: Andy Sen
Camera adjusts during glide: Barış Köklü
Developed Jun 2 - Aug 18, 2024
Project lead, core gameplay, main systems (battle, farms, energy, capital, society table, audio, messages, events, pathfinding), enemy and wave logic, input and UI button handling, page styling, assorted asset integration, additional sounds (building, action denied), sprites (modes, dynamite, under construction), help messages, test runner (internal development program): Marvin Chong
Unit role selection and tile reassignment system, assorted UI (soldier count, food display, initial selection, layout, role picking, enforce destination selection): Dan Dela Rosa
Background music: Luke Bertram
Tile art (farm, capital, grass, mountain, food), sounds (ambient loop, moue click), tile stats display, tile highlight effect, logo, plash screen, UI improvements: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Pause screen, minor code refactor, frame counter fix: Anthony Hernandez
Sounds (building destruction, path draw, button): Chris "BOLT" Bolte
Enemy camp destroyed when last unit defeated, related fix for all role types: Justin Montgomery
Enemy camp tile: Michael Monty
Playtesting: Klaim (A. Joël Lamotte)
Developed Mar 3-Jul 28, 2024
Project Lead, core gameplay, environment design, building models (all), player control, Captain Stardust model and animations, enemies, vehicle models and traffic behavior, combat, missions, item carrying, tuning, World Event systems (fire/water, food delivery, cops/robbers), main menu iteration, assorted bug fixing, cheats menu, audio integration: Cassidy Noble
City AI navigation, robber flee behavior, ragdoll fix: Dylan Peck
Song ("Growing Up"), models (roads, subway entrance, burger), crowd sounds: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Minimap functionality, newsstand item: Neil Urwin
Narrative UI styling: Elizabeth McMahill
Sewer grate, fountain: Luis Montaña
Pause menu: Ryan Gaillard
Main menu: Stebs
Ian Cherabier: Low poly tree
Playtesting: Klaim (A. Joël Lamotte), Elizabeth McMahill, Neil Urwin
Developed Dec 10-May 26, 2024
Project lead, core gameplay (tank movement, ability upgrade system and related authoring, weapons, camera, health/armor, collision handling, controls, EMP, turbo), enemy AI, level design and decoration layout (including roads, fences, trees, props), adaptive enemy spawning, explosions (all variations, including EMP and nuclear blast), destroyable environment pieces, tuning and balance, scene lighting, pickups, physics values, in-game UI, grass wind effect, menus, main asset integration (audio, models, textures), optimization and performance settings, title background, bug fixes: Justin Montgomery
Audio lead (music for city/country/menu, ambience background loops, sound effects for firing, miss, missiles, damage, building destruction, rocks breaking, engines, EMP, shield, button sounds, pickups notifications, nuke, homing sound, turbo, volume balancing): Chris "BOLT" Bolte
Reticle UI, aiming mode, tank missile and related collision, rocket trail effect, tank tread animation, dust particles, nuke model: Patrick Moffett
Opening story, 7 rock models, linux build testing: Gwyn Henry
Assorted city decoration models and textures (buildings, houses, trees, planes): Cassidy Noble
Barn, fence, baarrel, hay block, plane, hay particles, additional buildings, country test song (draft, not in final): Rodrigo Bonzerr Lopez
Metal decorations, grass, tank engine sound, ground textures, wood/concrete materials, additional rocks, scorch decal: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Initial city music (draft, not in final): Cooper Willis
Chaos destruction for barn, tanks hell collision fix: Craig F
Pause menu, camera shake: Christian Gabbianelli
Small farmhouse: Jason Timms
Models for traffic light, lamp post: Agustín Martínez
Playtesting: Elizabeth McMahill (two testing rounds), Klaim (A. Joël Lamotte)
Developed Apr 14-July 7, 2024
Project lead, core gameplay, player controls, boss AI, boss and player sprites including programmatic animation, boss and player weapons, camera behavior, main background, level design, UI art, gun sounds, tracer and muzzle flash, destroyable objects, health system, title/ending modeling, backpack pickup, tutorial area, endings: Alex Joiner
Particles (bullet impact, embers), platform art, concrete tiles, night sky, sound effects (mech move, player damage, landing), additional environment pieces (crates, steel blocks, antenna, steel girder, gate sprites, clouds), mision text styling, drone art: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Set decorations (car, bus, bench, bin, lamp), title/ending image paint over: Elizabeth McMahill
Main battle music: Lucas Ciarlante
Pause screen, walk sound and step implementation: Fernanda Robles
Player dash, dash trail effect: Neil Urwin
Healthbar: Luis Montaña
Barrel: Barış Köklü
Wwise experimentation (unused): Dannyellis Meléndez
Playtesting: Cassidy Noble, Klaim (A. Joël Lamotte), and Elizabeth McMahill
Developed Mar 17-June 16, 2024
Project lead, core gameplay, physics mechanics, player movement, spikes, checkpoints, core tilesets, level design, hazards (falling platforms, quicksand, crumbling blocks, arrow traps), quicksand art, robot enemy (art and functionality), particle effects, title screen, transitions, coins, camera, tuning, surface-based step sound, backgrounds, settings screen: Vitor M
Assorted environment art (cactus, brick tiles, rocks, crystals, castle tiles, columns, jungle sun rays, grass), title screen, bounce sounds with variations and integration: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Stage select screen, desert theme, moving platform, slime sprite, audio manager, obstacle placement (quicksand, arrow trap), assorted sound hookups, arrow art, font selection, various bug fixes: AdilShafiq
Upbeat songs (intro and credits), fox/player respawn sound: Jason Timms
Forest theme music loops, desert theme drafts: jakeyouh dogwalker
Slime surfaces, gravity gem, spawners, purple gem collectible: Tomas Alvarez
Quicksand splash sound: Vaan Hope Khani
Landing sound: Gabriel Cornish
Falling platform: Randy Tan Shaoxian
Developed Jan 14-May 5, 2024
Project lead, core gameplay, beacon weapon upgrades, level design, player controls, enemy AI, enemy spawners, tile world, camera, energy drops, main particles, pixel font, assorted bug fixes: Ryan Malm
Synth music, sounds (firing, ricochet, electronic, robotic), wall panel art (9 variations, shadows, dark gray sci fi, 3d effects): Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Enemy state machine, projectile movement correction: Vitor M
Title screen, button font tweak, distortion ambient loop: jakeyouh dogwalker
Enemy spawner gate crumble with dust particles: Randy Tan Shaoxian
Enemy projectile firing, health bar component: Chris Lange
Beacon sound effect: Patrick McKeown
Developed Apr 7-Jul 28, 2024
Project lead, core gameplay, isometric view and turn-based movement system, main environment art, potions, spells, world design, projectile functionality, player animated sprites (Warrior, Archer, Wizard), Kobald and Koa Toa enemies, sound integration, assorted bug fixing: Vince McKeown
Key sprites with variations, UI text box functionality, inventory menu, title layout, UI image selection support, title screen font selection, pause menu, pause toggle: Michael Monty
Movement system refactor, core UI system, health bars, potion and spell menus, stamina tuning, bug fixes (turn change, fire bolt casting), mute toggle: Dan Dela Rosa
Main music, sounds (footsteps, water and cave ambience, health pickup, arrow shooting, player and enemy hurt sounds, healing and buff spells, sword strike): Chris "BOLT" Bolte
Win screen, game over screen, tile cursors, UI background, textbox wrap, additional keyboard controls, healthbar improvement, UI layout touch up, additional sound effects integration, header drop shadow: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Sprites (archer animation, 2 spellbooks, arrow), additional sounds (water effect): Rodrigo Bonzerr Lopez
Narrative and related internal artifacts: Gwyn Henry
Isometric tile spritesheet functionality, player stamina, UI fix: Marvin Chong
Developed Dec 31-Apr 21, 2024
Project lead, core gameplay, character models (sheep, wolf) with related animations, character AI (pathing, idle, chase, flee, pack fixes, attack, dog protective behavior), main level design and environment decoration (including trees, grass, terrain), player rock throw aimer, controls, blocked camera dithering effect, game over screen, ghost (prototype only): Kelly Mark
Dog model with animations, health UI, models/textures (barn, sword, lantern, volcano, crater), armageddon effects: Cassidy Noble
Dog state changes, cat movement fixes, scene transition fade, AI error logging: Fernanda Robles
Gameplay music: Michael Fewkes
Level design improvements, sheep collision fix, loading manager, pause method: Stebs
Player cat model and related animations: Elizabeth McMahill
Dragon model/texture/animations: Tyler Funk
Dragon flamethrower (texture, material, particle system): Andy Sen
Dragon fire sound, fire effect hookup: Dannyellis Meléndez
Mountain and rock model/texture, butterflies, skyboxes, sheep sounds: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Rock lock-on, wolf star particles hit effect, rock throw fix: Neil Urwin
Settings panel, null crash fix: Alex Joiner
Wolf pack behavior (basic), outside sound recording, camera position fix, debugging visualization improvements (internal use): Chris DeLeon
Developed Jan 21-Apr 28, 2024
Project lead, core gameplay, environment art, level design, main pickups and inventory, animated character sprites (player, zombie, turrets), enemy AI, map editor, keys and ammo functionality, hazard tiles: Kyle Knutson
Level music, various feature programming (shop, freeze scroll, spike walls, turret), level editor quick loading: Marvin Chong
Item icons with integration (spell scroll, speed potion, shield potion, invisibility potion), title input fix: John Fortune
Wall hugger, music integration, gamepad support, additional songs (menu, game over), player death: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Game event messaging (system, display, colors, hookups): Randy Tan Shaoxian
Player projectiles, additional level design, spiked walls: Vince McKeown
Ghost sprite: Hamza 'Hums' Sehavdic
Input handler improvement, collision fixes: Victor Debone (javascripl)
Sounds (doorlock, enemy hit, hinge sounds, scroll): Patrick McKeown
Treasure chest opening sound: Jason Timms
Grass cutting, win message, WASD support, minor bug fixing: Chris DeLeon
Developed Jul 23-Nov 19, 2023
Project lead, core gameplay (player movement, weapons, splash damage, resource pickups, inventory system, added pickup items), environment development (spawners, game world design, additional level design), core gameplay UI, audio (gameplay music composer, integration, music manager, additional sounds), enemy AI (enemy types, enemy behavior, created encounter triggers and listeners, scatter shot and piercing damage), main menu, pause menu, performance optimization, save/load of player preferences: Brandon Paul
Brutal fortress level, vfx (scattershot, ice blast, steam, fire barrier, shot impacts), pickup material improvements, lighting, environment pieces (animated lava, pipes, railings, arches, ramps, small stairs, walls, doors, concrete barrier, keys, light trim, walkways, rocks, ceiling lights, rocky walls, sharp corner, reusable ceiling modules, gear, curved stairs), textures (pressure-plate, amber light, amber trim, concrete, dark steps, tech greeble, stone tiles, grate walkway, warning strip, several concrete texture variations), skybox, crosshair: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Quadruped model and materials, bonefrog enemy: Patrick J Thompson
Models and materials (item spawner, enemy tower, fireball, tower enemies, 3 health pickup variants): Armando Navarrete
Models (animated hands, key, ammo/potions, beacon): Cassidy Noble
Barrier demon animated model, audio bark for barrier enemy: Tyler Funk
Sounds (pickups, attacks, doors, speed pickup, portal), menu music, ammo UI, grace jumps and enemy drops: Zach Rouhana
Sounds (enemy explosion, hitscan damage), audio bug fix, collider trigger fixes: Stebs
Shield and health models: Gabriel Cornish
Enemy initial projectile support: Neil Urwin
Gameplay music performance (guitar and bass), used with permission: Loren White (non-member)
Developed Dec 10-Apr 28, 2024
Project lead, core gameplay, level 1 and 2 design, tilemap implementation, main world tiles, player character sprites (archer/warrior/magi/cleric & elf/human/dwarf), enemy sprites (skeleton/ogre/demon), loot functionality, UI, collision, pathfinding, camera, animation hookup, font loading, enemy behavior, destroyable walls, map exits, item placement, drawbridges, scene handling, item collection, menus, store, core attribute authoring, asset integration, optimizations, various bug fixes and internal debugging features: H Trayford
Character injury flash, arrow loot, doors/keys hookup, attack system, bow and melee attacks, AI state machine, projectile shadows, UI update, camera zoom fix, scene switch improvement, scene changes persist, spawner destruction, UI refactor, spawn limiter: Vitor M
Weapon icons (magic hammer, magic warhammer, mace, longbow, shortsword, longsword, axe, battleaxe, shortbow), pause sound, level 1 design pass, play testing/feedback, level 2 & 3 design concepts, enemy differentiation concepts: Elizabeth McMahill
Spawner art (ogre pit, skeleton spawner, demon portal), movement speed tuning, level 1 design, healing item placement, cooldown animation adjustment, dead enemy collision improved, bridge crossing: Stebs
Voiceover announcer, elven archer sprite, map tint, sword attack animation, character spin and fade exit sequence, sounds (pickup coin and key, exit, important event, eating and drinking variations, enemy spawn/attack/die/magic, sword/arrow and additional battle sounds), player sound integration, visible character weapons, low health flash: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Loot sprites (hammer, warhammer, helmet, potion, shield, base armor, platemail, full plate armor), water animation, moveable wall: Luis Montaña
Music (DR 01), staff weapon, attributes fix, scene fade, weapon animation error resolved: Neil Urwin
Tiles (acid, lava, broken bridge), animated bridge raise/lower: speck
Music (welcome, explorers): Brandon Paul
Music (game over): Kelly Mark (tinyzigzag)
Key sprite: Ian Cherabier
Linux support fix: Jonathan Peterson
Developed Apr 2-July 2, 2023
Project lead, core gameplay, player movement, controls, diggerang, map generation, tile art, particle effects, inventory system, sound code (including compressor), sprite system, collectibles, enemy code (including crawler, tentacle, patroller, bat), debug minimap, damage tuning, screen transition effect, unbreakable bricks, auto-tiles art, ore lifetime, large font, health drops, lighting effects, shield upgrades, treasure details, scoring, upgrades, depth awards, credits display, inventory screen, in-game music, additional player sounds, title screen: Ryan Malm
Player stats (steps, jumps, helicopters), inventory stats (playtime, enemies killed), stats display, gamepad controls, assorted room prefabs (t-intersection, platform, longhallway, stairs left, stairs right, hut, hallway, well, plus, checkerboard, pipe), tentacle monster eyelids, irregular tentacle length, stalagmites, player damage display, sound priority adjustments, randomized collectible and footstep sounds, minimap with arrow icon and depth indicator: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Player damage screen shake, falling rocks damage other rocks, map replay, reusable player collider, ore costs for diggerang & helicopter, rock & dense rock tile code, explosive tile cascade, ore bar expansion to 2600 ore, partial tile damage shake, 4-hit conversion for dense ore, tile damage tracking in tilemap: H Trayford
Sound variation randomizer, sounds (player damage, crumbling rock variations, explosions, boomerang flying loop, pickups, shovel to metal): Johan Ostling
Title music: Klaim (A. Joel Lamotte)
Player sprite, unobtanium ore, gems, 90s treasures: Kyle Knutson
Sounds (dirt dig, jump variations, soft landing, health pickup, depth goal): Patrick McKeown
Bones collectible inventory tab, ore display, hjkl movement: Jonathan Peterson
Sprite moving directions, prevented helicopter mode while diggerang is out: Jacob LeCoq
Bone sprite: Chad Serrant
Playtesting: Joel Lamotte (Klaim) and Michael Primo
Developed July 10-Dec 4, 2022
Project lead, core gameplay, ap turn system, level procedural generation, story, combat, environment titles, enemies (art and AI) and boss, talents, charms, door functionality, pillar interactions, player sprites, inventory, fuel system, asset integration, title screen, UI, vfx, assorted bug fixes, help screens, vendor, menu cogs layout: Tylor Allison
Fuel cells, treasure chest art, keys, funguy sprite with animations, rock clutter, door animations, scarab, gem colors, digger bot, bonk weapon, mace and club, crystals, mine props: Vince McKeown
Player armor sprite variations (including reactor green), gem sprite, sounds (gem break, item pickup, player step, motor whir, household devices, boss footstep, currency pickup, failed action, cog use, trap, open ches, door open, vendor transaction, beetle, thump bot, shock, menu action, poke, swing), darker bot variations: Patrick McKeown
Bio floor, giant rat, Rou\'s sprite update, uthoring additional weapon names: Roxcon
Playtesting organizer, translated test responses into action items, organized live testing: Ashleigh M.
Stair picture, crash fix on using unusable item, new gizmo sprite, menu button art: Jonathan Peterson
Sound effects (pokes, hacks, bonks, ice/dark/flame weapons, doors closing, assorted retro fantasy sounds), vine obstacle art: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Title art, game over prompt concept: FightEXP
Menu background cogs: Gonzalo Delgado
In-game options menu toggle, quick slot key hookups: Tor Andreas Johnsen
Brass cog sprite: Johan Östling
Credits scene setup: H Trayford
Early song draft (adapted to a different game): Abhishek @akhmin_ak
Practice commit: Jiho Yoo
Developed Jul 23-Dec 10, 2023
Project lead, core gameplay, Project lead, core gameplay, road spline system, overall track and landscape, main rewind functionality, controls, replay spectator, vehicle select, result screen, models (hypercar, road segments, town building, deciduous/PCG tree), UI gauges, paint color support, base map functionality, controller rumble, sound (menu navigation, muscle car tires, gear change, additional engine audio, tired skidding, shifting), Blues tune, flares, audio menu functionality, various bug fixes and asset integration, loading screen: Patrick Moffett
Racer AI (navigation, avoidance, crash correction, hit response), difficulty tuning, assorted bug fixing (esp. related to freeze bugs, rewind feature), in-game menu custom button styling, addressed subtle exploits, rewind feature improvements, UI features (finish line indicators, race position), voice acting (radio station intros, AI racer barks), advanced visual logging, variable resolution support, map and minimap improvements, build configuration: Justin Montgomery
Music (orchestral, chiptune, rock, country), sports car model, guard rails, many rock models with textures, rain (particles and sound), pine trees with variations, square flag: Rodrigo Bonzerr Lopez
Dynamic engine sound, base commuter AI: Fahad Muntaz
UI color pallete, Options menu setup, button styles, font integration (PassionOne): Michael Monty
Clock tower, main menu, button bindings fix: Tyler Funk
Village area track, mountain terrain features: Brian J. Boucher
Skidmarks: Neil Urwin
Alpine Hotel model: Cooper Willis
Diamond road sign model, road signs (public domain): Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Pause menu: Tom Schultz
Playtesting: Klaim (A. Joël Lamotte)
Developed July 4 - Nov 21, 2021
Core gameplay, project lead, AI behaviors, main artist, primary writer, tutorial, UI framework and primitives, performance optimizations, environment design, building/furniture art, NPC and object interactions, pathfinding, fairy/gnome sprites, custom editor, particles, input handling, asset management, hints system: Tylor Allison
Bar assets (including game cards), floor rune relay, rock relay integration, runes, vendor house flower pot update, spark flower animations, mute refactor, stairs, assorted beach shells, electric zap sound, plants (fern, wild flowers, large leaf plant, shrubs), door open/close sounds, rocks: Vince McKeown
Tree, flower pot (including animation), sounds (fairy wings, wind chimes, silver and gold bells, gnome grumbling variations, cheers, sparks), additional sprite integration, gnome chatter, gloom and enlightened walk states, various scenery decoration improvements (vendor, plant variations, seashells, palm tree): Patrick McKeown
Music: Alan Zaring
Initial main menu functionality, options state, button sounds, music and sound volume sliders, door opening sound, additional level editing: Vaan Hope Khani
Pillar activation sound, vendor sounds, gnome sweeping animation, action UI icons: Chris DeLeon
Title screen decoration, minor tutorial editing, lamp post sound hookup: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Story and dialog work (incl. Ciara, the barkeeper), updates to map areas for vendor and tower: Abhishek @akhmin_ak
NPC morale and like/dislike indicators, indicators sprite sheet: Philip Greene
Tinkerer shop sprites: Gonzalo Delgado
Developed May 8 - July 17, 2022
Project lead, core gameplay, player weapons, power bar, lighting, main AI states, float bot, plasma attack, destruction particles, player hand models, enemy spawn manager, medium bot improvements, damage sphere, pickup indicators, health regeneration, various enemy tweaks, damage sounds, wave display, decorative effects, game over UI, blue drone, slow motion pickup, asset integration and bug fixes, improved audio system: Bilal A. Cheema
Medium floating bot, rudetech logo, caution decal, small melee/explosion bot model and texture, cylinder bot art, debug spawner: Liyi Zhang
Laser eye with trail, drone guard model and textures, proximity AI, muzzle flash particles, directional damage indicator sprite, assorted sounds (including variations for slow mo, shots, robot sound, explosions, hit impacts, jumps, engines, self destruct): Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Self destruct enemy behavior, additional work on melee enemy: Syed Daniyal Ali
Score based on survival time, score save/restore, game timer, fall death: Farah R
Drone music: Klaim (A. Joël Lamotte)
Sounds (waller attack, idle, and small destruction): Patrick McKeown
Flapping sounds: Abhishek @akhmin_ak
Playtesting: Gonzalo Delgado, Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila, Rohit Narwal Kumar, Liyi Zhang, Rodrigo Bonzerr Lopez, Tyler Funk, Patrick McKeown
Developed Mar 26-Jul 2, 2023
Project lead, core gameplay, teleportation shader creation, bug fixes, environment design including related props and puzzles (warehouse, recreational, computer, electricity), sci-fi chair and table, click functionality, door model, air control, dash jump tuning, electric floor particles, movement tutorial, button state visual, document/email UI, fade transition: Ian Cherabier
Holo-bridge energy crate placement/movement, power station, elevator fixes, holo platforms in electricity room, electrified floor, power crate interaction, power station and recreational area, storage shelves, holo goggles text, warehouse area dialogue, energy cubes, interactive door switch, warehouse spawn point, pause menu restart option, movable block interaction, additional holo goggles sounds, scan line for holo-goggles, warehouse wall texture, pause menu toggle: Stebs
H.E.L.L area puzzles, checkpoint system additions, forcefields, falling blocks destruction, safe blocks particles, lift animation fix, restricted area sign, holo toggle, basic bot, mute, carryable objects, short beat loop, generic interactions support: Neil Urwin
Music (main menu, warehouse), player jump time grace, sounds (holo-goggles, foot steps), main menu implementation, implemented sounds for movement and landing, sound normalization: Brandon Paul
Corridor scene including lighting and object placement, tablet and document corrections, textures for pause and items, menu font integration, hammer model, functionality for reading computers/tablets and dialogue display: Luis Montaña
Effects for screens and camera, upgraded lab lighting and environment details, title screen decoration, assorted wire and cable models, laboratory wall material, stairs, environment building blocks: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Writing, security cameras, models (doors, phone, office supplies, furniture, door with frame, paper, laptop): Cassidy Noble
Checkpoint functionality and related art, respawn support: Simon J Hoffiz
Door camera transition, holo goggle, additional camera behavior: Patrick J Thompson
Robot vacuum pathing (including door support), shiny crate, scene load fix: Chris Lange
Moving platform, UI crosshair, models (fuel tank, button, shelf): Armando Navarrete
Horizontal lift support, neon pulse, jump speed fix: Barış Köklü
Emission lighting, floor grid: Gabriel Cornish
Playtesting: Stebs, Michael Monty, Rodrigo Bonzerr Lopez, Cassidy Noble
Developed Feb 10-Apr 7, 2024
Project lead, core gameplay, level design, key/touch control, sensor on/off timing, spotlight, UI, scores, fuel, sounds(sensor on/off, river recording, searchlight warnings), bugfixes and gameplay tuning: Patrick McKeown
Art (log, rock, boom unit, sensor-cone), animation (driftwood), dynamic beam tracking searchlight, closable boom & tuning adjustments, chain crank sound & integration, rock collision box, menu button improvement, sensor-cone alpha pulse, return-to-station on touch: Jason Timms
Wake particles vfx, WASD support, motor sound with pitch modulation, ambient stream sound: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Water background tile scroll: Ryan Malm
Boat art: Kyle Knutson
Pause scene fix: Marvin Chong
Testing: Klaim (A. Joël Lamotte), Stebs, Alex Joiner, Rodrigo Bonzerr Lopez, Elizabeth McMahill
For Mac use the itch app to download the native build
Developed Dec 4 - Apr 16, 2023
Project lead, core gameplay, 3D character modeling / textures / animations, enemy AI, fight system, IK support, input handling, boxer movement, music, camera behavior, toon shader experimentation and tweaks, audio system, health and stamina, asset integration, menus, flame effects, match logic, scoreboard, font selection: Patrick J Thompson
Hit collision improvements, background crowd visual, sounds (ring bell, crowd ambient noise, boos, punches, hit oofs, footsteps, menu audio), keyboard control, airburst shockwave, facial expressions (with blinking): Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Updated anime/outline shader, rendering pipeline adjustments: Tyler Funk
Boxing ring, crowd state management, punch trail shader: Neil Urwin
Block mechanic (initial functionality): Barış Köklü
Developed Jun 26-Oct 9, 2022
Project lead, core gameplay, character animations, toon shader, level design, boss fight, checkpoints, fire hazards, player movement and combat, enemy AI, camera code, door trigger system, dynamic wire color, moving platforms, robot model, conveyor belt, environment models (crane, dumpster, street light, window, street sign, rubble), tutorial UI, audio integration, assorted sounds (crane, battery, jump, flamethrower, footsteps, enemy hit sound), pressure switches, battery model and material with damage variation, song crossfade, destroyable barrels: Patrick Moffett
Final boss music, barrel model with wood textures, cement mixer, boss fight sound, tree model, robot hover sound, shovel model, hardhat, hammer: Rodrigo Bonzerr Lopez
Fall damage, hip fire when target locked, slingshot trail effect, shot arc: Cooper Willis
Player healthbar, UI ammo indicator, game over buttons, menu text improvements, updates to loading screen and general UI: Michael Monty
UI scaling, stair collider fix, menu skybox improvement, end game explosion effects, debug cheats functionality, gamepad pause support, better targeting behavior: Mike DiGiovanni
Factory music: Ashleigh M.
Sounds (ammo pickup, slingshot firing and hit), slingshot pebble model, machine whirring loop, material variations for buildings: Chris DeLeon
Health pickup item with related sound: Fahad Muntaz
Health pickup heals player, pause/unpause: Colton Henderson
Grass shader: Rohit Narwal Kumar
Water dripping sound effect: Jared Rigby
Playtesting: mike dg, Michael Monty, and Klaim (A. Joël Lamotte)
Developed Oct 20, 2023-Mar 3, 2024
Project lead, core gameplay, isometric world, art (player, most environment art - bookshelves, boxes, weapon racks, barrels, sacks, pots, beds, walls, etc), level design, speed potion, coin, enemies (blob, cyclops, skeletons), animation code, wall levers, in-game UI, inventory screen, projectile support, boss, start and death screens, various asset integration: Vince McKeown
Enemy pathfinding and related AI, melee combat, projectile improvements, player movement bug fix, mute and pause toggle, image loading fix, better wall collision handling, improved Linux support: Jason Timms
Music, sounds (sword hit/miss, door opening, monster taking damage and menu sound with variations): Patrick McKeown
Characters made visible through walls, player collision, blocking feature, player sword attack, minimap optimization, door color variations, out of bounds tile pattern, vignette border, debug path draw: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Sprites (rogue, ranged monster, wall painting): Gabriel "Adamastor" Da Mota
Item/character shadow support, minimap improvements (player and colored door locations): Randy Tan Shaoxian
Sprite Z sorting: Michael Fewkes
Warrior attack animation: Kyle Knutson
Developed July 18 - Oct 10, 2021
Project lead, core gameplay, main mech development (models and functionality), level design, portal weapon, building models, enemy mech AI, night mode, minimap, Mars textures, muzzle flash, emissions effects, lighting, in-game cursor, camera functionality, projectile pooling, orthographic setup, shield bar, additional weapon sounds, assorted bug fixes, culling optimization, low shield warning, quality settings: Bilal A. Cheema
Gameplay music, menu music, forcefields shader, explosion effect, aim improvements, laser shaders, editor script bug fix, explosion pooling, hitpoints system, crater models, fire and smoke effects, additional building, music manager: Will McKay
Boost feature functionality, UI, AI waypoints support, sound manager, initial sound integration, start menu, assorted code/warnings cleanup, menu fade, menu colors:
Laser fence, grid wall, additional rock model, shield pickup, power pickup, pick up rotation, building repair, Calamity homing rockets, sound and music toggles, controller settings menu: Filipe Dottori
Initial prototype functionality, original design co-lead for weapons and mechs, trigger and camera design, spaceship model, aim functionality: Nouman Waheed
Sounds (shield pickup, low shield warning, ion cannon, EMP, power pickup, rifle, rocket, bomb, portal, building destruction, enemy cannon), several rock models: Patrick McKeown
Calamity rockets sound: Abhishek @akhmin_ak
Selection sound: Philip Greene
Developed May 17 - Oct 11, 2020
(Updated Dec 2021!)
Project lead, core gameplay functionality, level generation, turn system, animation code, agents/actors system, FSM v2, actions framework, in-game editor, input handling, UI, optimizations, asset integration, menus, original placeholder art, event debug display, NPCs behavior (LifeForms, Virus, Anti-Virus, Programs, etc.), game end, spawn code, actions (jump, pull, swap, void, take item, repair, copy, others), fog of war, field of view, shadows, camera logic, main palette, many crash fixes and tuning tweaks, inventory, crypto key authoring, loading screen, help text: Klaim (A. Joël Lamotte)
Particle systems (glitch, trace, scan, portal, spawn, missile, color, spark, repair, wait, hex spin, lightning jump, fade, explosion swirl, blip edge pathing), procedural tile selection and wall generation, FX randomization, wall tiles art, decrypt/triangle animations, mock ups (tile bg, walls, void, experimentation with negative space/holes, perspective, color tests), color adjustments, moving wall v2, level design concepts art, floor art, NPC wait animation, warm and cool level themes, lots of asset and code cleanup, additional tile type rules, seam fix, take/drop animations, move animations, highlights art v2, laser walls, tile overlay, title screen background: Tylor Allison
Soundtrack (in-game, levels, victory, game over, transitions), all sound effects (jump, gameplay, UI, movement, explosions, decrypt, editor), audio normalization, assorted sound integration: Roc Lee
Description animation and related background, level transitions, character art mock ups and final (virus sprite, slime, life-forms, glitches, program, microcode, anti-virus, virus, additional animations), detailed playtesting, palette tweaks, font selection, texts: Ashleigh M.
Crypto key and crypto file art, items art, Assorted docs images, action and item icons, additional UI and menu art, color corrections, highlight art v1, moving wall art v1: Cassidy Noble
Vector/math code improvements, audio system, one shot audio integration, music stream support, poositional audio, volume controls, mute toggle: Andrew Mushel
Cursor art, including variants and hand icons: Andy King
State machine v1: Allan Regush
Pause menu options: Jonathan Peterson
Patrick McKeown: Item sprites (Memory Trasher, Zip, Thread-Pool, Computer Cluster, Cloner), tool to check items sprites against levels contrasts
Special thanks (practice commit - welcome!), playtesting: Antonio Malafronte
Play in-browser now, or download for Quest VR (free, side loaded apk)
Developed July 19 - Dec 20, 2020
Project lead, core gameplay, railgun and chain reaction functionality, Quest VR support, time reversibility and related locomotion, assorted bug fixes, additional level design, menu score tally/reset, ship wake effect, water and ground based movement variants, additional voxel buildings: Chris DeLeon
Title logo, menu animations, explosion effects, damage/score text pop outs, post-processing variants per stage, UI scaling, score display, laser effect tuning, particles fixes, skyscraper window lights experiment, optimizations, support for variable ammo limit per zone, high score save/load: Kornel
Ocean level design, improved waypoint aircraft support, initialization bug fixes, Ocean story text: Ian Cherabier
Audio programming for time dilation distortion (including reversal), target alignment editor extension for level design, city ambient background noise, audio integration: Michael Fewkes
Chaos Dimension and City level design, piñata model, elephant shading: Jeremiah Franczyk
Modern skyscraper model, non-Quest VR support, VR cannon scope, trench landscape, blimp model, tree model (original and optimized): Tyler Funk
Cartoonish UFO model, WW1 plane models (Spad and Fokker), time-adjustable propellor script, damaged countryside building: Marcel van Dijk
Cinematic text intro feature, chaos dimension concept and foundation (including original temporal variations), rainbow worms, voxel model material optimization, horizon textures (city skyline, hills), trails on certain plane designs, Countryside level main layout, main menu particles cyclone, all story text authoring: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Menu, Ocean and Countryside music: Alan Zaring
Desert/City and Chaos music: Simon J Hoffiz
Models (frigate, F-16, aircraft carrier), textured main cannon: I-wei Chen
Menu to level fade transitions, time rate adjustment tuning, cannon exhaust smoke: Rikard Åkesson
Submarine model, building models for modern city, assorted spacecraft models: Gabriel Cornish
Modular spaceship and texture, standalone skyscraper model, British tank and texture: H Trayford
Models (Brandenburgertor, flying cow): EyeForcz
Teleport points feature, scene reset, round summary screen: Barış Köklü
Time cannon weapon model: Trenton Pegeas
World War 2 plane model: Ygor Dimas
Cannon and explosion sounds: Jeff "Axphin" Hanlon
Ammo cubes blink when turning off: Brian Nielsen
Additional story Input: Bjorn The Fire, Carson Sanders
Developed June 5-Aug 21, 2022
Project lead, gameplay mechanics, 3D models [characters, hockey net, hockey puck], animation rigging, animation (authored and procedural/physics/IK), AI, net, local multiplayer, goalie mechanics, keyboard and gamepad support, scoring and possession rules, camera behavior, sounds (crowd, hit post, boards bounce, goalie check, possession, puck catch), audio implementation, rag dolls, assorted bug fixing, animation compatibility with instant replay, usability improvements, overtime, controller support: Patrick J Thompson
Slo-mo / instant replay system, scene models (bleachers, rocks, snow banks, grass, side boards, bush, tree, horizon tree line), scene lighting improved goal tender appearance: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Computer controller opponent AI: Neil Urwin
Body check and related input, rink scratches: Tyler Funk
Crowd effect, start menu: Gabriel Cornish
Puck model with variations, crowd reactions: Stebs
Sounds for skating, puck hit, and puck bouncing off boards: Rob Tunstall
Ice tracks shader: Andy King
Puck trail effect: Chris DeLeon
Developed Dec 5 - Apr 24, 2022
Project lead, core gameplay, network code, player models (including materials and animations for both turtle and hippo), spider enemy, follow AI, stone and brick wall materials, level layouts, torch model, pickup orbs, lighting (baking and volumetric), health/mana functionality, trees, avatar switching, animation blending, water shader, UI, spellcasting, sword, rocks, grass, assorted bug fixing: Tyler Funk
Crate with texture, player control fix, goblin enemy, in-game menus, options menu, menu color adjustments, pause menu: Patrick J Thompson
Portal jet effects (with variations), torch flames, shockwave effect with distortion: Andy King
Dungeon pillars and stone walls, spiderwebs, menu and logo improvements, chains, stair fix, crystals, candles with related flame effects, footstep integration: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Barrel (model, materials, and two broken variations): Luis Montaña
Heal sound, magic attack sound, melee attack sound: Rob Tunstall
Dungeon music: Michael Fewkes
Mute toggle, stone step sound: Stebs
Developed Nov 7-Mar 13, 2022
Core gameplay, weapon system, market level design, player movement (including wall running, dash, grapple), main enemy AI code (pathfinding, use of cover points, attacks), civilian crowd waypoint, enemy grenades w/ indicator, health, UI, basic walls/doors, weapon switching, sonic gun functionality and effect, audio manager, sound integration, powerup float effect, gravity flipping, artillery mech jump turn, scene transitions, end menu, sci fi door integrated, assorted bug fixes: Jeremiah Franczyk
Models (sonic gun, grenade, grenade launcher, hover robot enemy, rocket artillery enemy, rocket, laser gun, ammo pickups, grenade box, health item, pickup pad, sci-fi display), laser gun effect and related implementation, laser sound, artillery mech initial AI, enemy muzzle flash: Armando Navarrete
Dark alley level, environment textures, assorted decorative decals (rivets, pipes, office windows), gauss cannon model, alien plant, bullet tracer, fire escape stairs model, bush models, grass texture, air conditioner, street light, greebles, tiling roads and sidewalks: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Wall run bug fix, player muzzleflash, light and color grading, gravity warp grapple effect, grapple beam, models (animated civilian astronaut, trees, sci-fi crate), market level decoration, light baking, triplanar shader: Tyler Funk
Main menu warp drive effect, tutorial level design, tutorial scene buildings and decoration pass, Mars skybox, shipping container model, main gun model: Gabriel Cornish
Market chase scene music: Simon J Hoffiz
Rock model and texture: Ashleigh M.
Nature level: Luis Montaña
Start menu and original menu background effect: Samuel Axon
Pause menu, tutorial prompts, player reset after fall: Stebs
Click and mouse hover UI sounds: Rob Tunstall
Texture compression to optimize build size: Andy King
Gun rendered on separate camera layer: Batu Aytemiz
Dome cage model: Chris DeLeon
Developed April 2-June 25, 2023
Project lead, core gameplay, level/puzzle design, UI, art for most rooms and items except those otherwise noted, environment and inventory interaction system, sound effects (creature, transitions), assorted bug fixes: Kyle Knutson
Endless pit room, storage room draft, torch game time feature, magic scroll icon, magnifying glass cursor variation, hand cursor: Vince McKeown
Background music (Solace, Darkness sits in the Corner): Klaim (A. Joël Lamotte)
Hint feature, GUI background, custom cursor support with related art (other than magnifying glass), assorted sounds (denied action, typing sound), sound code, CSS style improvements, credits display: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Additional development tools (relating to click region debugging), improvements to generalize how rooms are referenced in code: Ryan Malm
Title background image, magnifying glass cursor variation: FightEXP
Pickup sound effect with variations, additional room message authoring: Patrick McKeown
Retro button styling: Jonathan Peterson
Additional inventory management code (item use), additional debug/testing features, conditional obstacle support: Chris DeLeon
Developed Jan 16 - June 5, 2022
Project lead, core gameplay, player gliding, models (keys, tower), puzzle levels design and related functionality, block pushing, writing, tablet story system, tower elevator controls and related cinematic system, rings platforms, camera behavior, debug functionality, completed inventory screen, monolith, progress save, tutorial area, controls screen, ending, assorted bug fixing: Simon J Hoffiz
Deer model/texture, player model and animations (plus related walk/run/glide movement integration), wings, clouds, tree sapling, water shaders, rock colliders, river, waterfall, day and night sky effects, ground detection fix: Tyler Funk
Models (ruin pillars x3, obelisk console, mirror, chalice, hammer, level 3 parts), key system, level tower selection, mirror laser functionality, mirror controls, level 3 exit platform animation, level 3 environment: Armando Navarrete
Models (crystals, obelisk stand, rune stone, rocks, hills, rune pillars, coffee cup, wrench, book), skyboxes, grass, rune textures, rune tablets, glow materials and related particles, sandstone materials, brick mesh, grass rendering issue fix, title screen effects, additional puzzle scene 1 decoration: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Player run, models (rock, spoon, flute, pencil), bush placement: Ian Cherabier
Stone lantern, flowers, bush, puzzle and ring 2 environment decoration: Luis Montaña
Collectibles inventory tracker and related UI, inventory animation, game pause, in-world dialog box: Will McKay
Path shader, nebula skybox materials: Andy King
Platform smooth movement, player recovery after fall: Barış Köklü
Music manager: Michael Fewkes
Collision fix for pushable boxes, puzzle 4 bug fixes: Grygoriy Kulesko
Looping ambient sounds: Rob Tunstall
Smooth fall recovery experiments (not in release): Brandon Hillig
Player returns to last portal pillar used, minor camera bug fix: Chris DeLeon