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· last updated
2023-11-10 03:06:51
Follow YourDie
Following YourDie
Unfollow YourDie
The Doskvol Bestiary
A collection of art inspirations for games of "Blades in the Dark."
Galen Pejeau
Blades in the Dark Crew Book: Greybreakers
Illicit Street Artists and Vandal Activists
A Couple of Drakes
The Quotidian
An Everday Playbook for Blades in the Dark
The Vagabond
An Unwanted Playbook for Blades in the Dark
Underground Maps & Passkeys
Starting Situations for Blades in the Dark by members of the official Blades Discord
Remnants of War
Unofficial Blades in the Dark Supplement.
Bee Scerri, Red World Press
Steelweaver's Rebellion
An unofficial Blades in the Dark module about class warfare, coalition-building, and revolution.
Mabel Harper
Lycanthrope - Custom Blades In The Dark Playbook
Tyto Alba
The Stringer - A Blades in the Dark Playbook
A shrewd and coercive investigator
The Coiner - A Playbook for Blades in the Dark
An uncanny artist and illustionist, a haunted soul
Blades in the Dark - Odds and Ends
Useful BitD bits and bobs
Tom G
Blades in the Dark Recover Hack
A hack of the BitD Recovery system
Blades in the Dark Scoundrel Action Cards
Actions and rules in short notecard format.
The Clerk - A Blades in the Dark playbook
The Descendants- A Crew Playbook and Playset for Blades in the Dark
A Play Set for a Chosen Family Fated to Defeat a Great Evil
Tar - A Blades in the Dark Playbook
A playbook of nautical endurance and supernatural tattoos
The Bookend Playbook for Blades in the Dark
An esoteric collector and scholar of things long forgotten
URCHINS - A Blades in the Dark Crew
A crew of child criminals, Forged in the Dark.
Drivers Playbook (for Blades in the Dark)
A new custom playbook for Blades in the Dark. Play a crew of reckless Drivers with a spark-craft vehicle.
Blades in the Dark: Flavour-Towne
Free food-based supplement for Blades in the Dark.
Aaron King
Darque's Ledger: Five Unofficial Blades in the Dark Scores
Five ready-to-go scores for Blades in the Dark. Just add scoundrels.
Bannerless Games
Blades in the Dark Crew Book: Roofballers
Illicit Sports Heroes for Blades in the Dark
A Couple of Drakes
Unofficial Blades in the Dark Smuggler Score Pack
Five one-page scores for your smuggler crew.
A Couple of Drakes
BitD Short Campaign Framework
Rules for playing a campaigns 6 to 8 sessions long
This Is Victor
Unity Day - A Blades in the Dark Quickstart
A one page starting scenario for campaigns in Doskvol
Arcane Implement Generator for Blades in the Dark
Generate all the weird and wonderful objects used for a whisper's craft
Kes Beacon
Play in browser
Blades in the Dark - Open Table Style
Creating a character by leveraging the full power of flashbacks!
Dreaming Dragonslayer
Sister Escape - A Blades in the Dark Score
A Blades in the Dark score about "rescuing" a girl from a convent to be reunited with her lover
Blades in the Dark: The Missing Marvels of Mallory Morell
A set of scores for Blades in the Dark
Adam Brimmer
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