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· last updated
2023-11-10 03:06:49
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Pixel Art Object Set - Fences & Walls
In bundle
4 different customizable pixel art barriers, including some free grass tiles and 4 color swaps.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Tileset - Iconic Homestead
In bundle
A versatile tileset for constructing pixel art buildings, big and small, plus some free ground tiles and 5 color swaps.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Object Set - Village Accessories
In bundle
Assorted pixel art containers, signposts, market stalls, and other clutter to decorate your RPG village or town.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Object Set - Animated Candles
In bundle
14 different animated pixel art candles, each both lit and unlit.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Tileset - Iconic Castle
In bundle
A flexible pixel art tileset for building RPG castles and palaces.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Object Set - Cozy Furnishings
In bundle
250+ objects for decorating RPG village homes.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Icon Sprites & Object Set - Alchemy Gear
In bundle
A bunch of potions and alchemical reagents for an RPG or adventure game.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Tileset - Steampunk Airship
In bundle
A versatile tileset for creating a variety of unique airships, both inside and out.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Creature Sprites - Monster Battler Set
In bundle
24 unique monster sprites for a side-view turn-based JRPG-style battle system.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Tileset - Stonework Home
In bundle
A half-timber style home tileset for an RPG or adventure game.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Tileset - Timber Roof Home
In bundle
A cozy log cabin tileset for an RPG or adventure game.
Seliel the Shaper
Free Pixel Art Character - The Mana Seed "Farmer Sprite System"
In bundle
Your complete solution for a pixel art farming life sim player character sprite.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Icon Sprites & Object Set - Fishing Gear
In bundle
A huge collection of fishing-related pixel art icons and environmental objects.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Tileset - Desert Sands
In bundle
A hand-crafted pixel art tileset with with cactuses, dry bones, tumble weeds, and shifting sands.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Tileset - Thatch Roof Home
In bundle
A cozy cottage tileset for an RPG or adventure game.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Icon Sprites & Object Set - Livestock Accessories
In bundle
A collection of 16x16 icons and objects for decorating your farms and barns.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Creature Sprite - Moody Mushroom
In bundle
An animated pixel art mushroom monster sprite for your RPG or adventure game.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Tileset - Muddy Cave
In bundle
A fully featured cave tileset, with variable elevation, stalagmites, rocks, plants, and animated water.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Creature Sprite - Delicate Deer
In bundle
A cute pixel art deer animated for your action-RPG or adventure game.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Creature Sprites - Livestock
In bundle
A collection of cute animated pixel art livestock to populate your farms.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Tileset - Steampunk Manor
In bundle
A pixel art tileset for building victorian fantasy-style buildings of brick and iron for an RPG or adventure game.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Icon Sprites & Object Set - Farming Crops #1
In bundle
6-stage growing crops for an RPG or farming sim.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Tileset - Arctic Woodland
In bundle
A high-quality pixel art tileset featuring fields of snow, frozen lakes, evergreen trees, and more!
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Creature Sprite - Slippery Slime
In bundle
A little pixel art slime monster for your action-RPG or adventure game.
Seliel the Shaper
Free Pixel Art Character - The Mana Seed "Character Base"
In bundle
A gender-neutral pixel art base for RPG or adventure game characters.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Tileset - Royal Garden
In bundle
A pixel art tileset for introducing fancy gardens around your castles and noble houses.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Creature Sprite - Harrowing Hawk
In bundle
An animated pixel art hawk sprite for your RPG or adventure game.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Creature Sprite - Greedy Gremlin
In bundle
A goofy animated monster for a top-down action RPG.
Seliel the Shaper
Pixel Art Tileset - Half-Timber Home
In bundle
A half-timber style home tileset for an RPG or adventure game.
Seliel the Shaper
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