Okay, there's a lot to unpack here.
First of all, this game is absolutely amazing, honestly. I enjoyed every second of my playthrough.
The fact that you have to go through the game files to continue the story makes this short game very engaging and fun to play.
The story is nice, the characters are nice and the ambience and music is also pretty good.
Overall a pretty nice game tbh.
Okay what the fuck.
This game is VERY weird to being with, and the baby is creepy af.
I wouldn't say this game is scary but it does have some jumpscares here and there (the baby made me laugh more than be scared lol).
Also a very very short game, around 15~20min, and well, for what it is, it isn't that bad.
So uh. I still haven't managed to finish this game (it's VERY buggy for me, I can't even go down the stairs without being propelled to the ceiling of the house lmao)
but asides from that, the ambience and story of the first chapter isn't all that bad. Other than the bugs and occasional crashes, I don't have anything bad to say about this game.
Okay so? This game isn't scary to be tbh, but still it was a fun experience and it had some moments where i felt tense.
Although it's a very, VERY short game (roughly 10min), I still enjoyed it.
This game is fun to play if you're searching for a short and weird game haha.
The plot isn't exactly deep (really weird nonetheless), and the first 2 endings are really weird (specially the first one, wtf man), but the third and "good" ending is really good in my opinion.
I finished the 3 endings in about 1h (I do tend to speedrun all of the games I play, so this game is about 2~3h long), and gotta say I had a lot of fun playing it.
I do recommend it a lot, but beware of the jumpscares on ending 3 xD