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a collection by kieramisu · last updated 2023-11-10 03:05:25
A project template for RPG Maker MZ. This combines the Farming System, Fishing System and Day/Night System into one.
A project template for RPG Maker MZ. Copy and paste it into your own project to utilize custom evented relationships!
Bundled together with 70+ plugins from Waves 1 through 8!
Different sounds for different items and equipments!
A plugin that let's you find the ID from anything of the database through it's name!
Assign class, exp, level and equipment to enemies!
Show almost everything from database using escape codes!
Controls how the actor can overflow his max parameters! (Eli Class Curves Extension)
Show the face image of the message box in a different window!
Set up some configurations to the party according to their leader!
Adds sliding confirmation windows for the checkpoint system!
A project template for RPG Maker MZ. Copy/paste it into your own project to utilize a custom evented day/night system!
Choose a maximum quantity for each item through the notes field!
Use escape codes on plugin commands! Works on every plugin!
Let's you choose to add Help Windows to all scenes in RPG Maker MZ/MV!
RMMZ and RMMV plugin
A RPG Maker plugin that let's you move your choice window!
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