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try later

a collection by bubbameh · last updated 2024-04-04 18:51:10
Look through someone else’s computer. Inspired by early “escape room” flash games.
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you find an abandoned fps game on an old computer. you decide to play it.
Soulslike Norse fantasy tabletop role-playing game
This is a Shadow of the Colossus inspired zine! All 16 colossi inside!
An Analog Horror experience.
a game to begin your games
A pocket-sized RPG about freezing to death with your friends.
Track your HP, stats, skills and inventory while you navigate everyday life.
Nothing matters as much as sealing the deal.
Change the past - but not your own
It is 2AM and you are walking home. Something is following you.
Grab five poker dice (or make your own with regular d6s and a marker) and try to hit the bullseye.
A business card-sized procedure for discontinuation
A minimalist system to throw caution to the wind
A solo rpg oracle using only a stopwatch
business card viewfinder for sourcing magic
A business card-sized tool for generating odd pointcrawls with a coin
a business card game of small worlds
A storytelling microgame of adventure, nostalgia and dubiously reliable narrators.
Travel far and wide, discovering the exotic landmarks that the world has to offer!
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Avoid a powerful beast to escape with your life...