It may seem like a cute little adventure, but don't be fooled - you'll have to use your brain to approach these monsters, use your reflexes to dispatch them, and also be wise about using your health items. It's amazing how fun this game feels just to jump and kill monsters and run around, but that belies the craft that went into the design.
A short-but-sweet game about exploring what's left from a long-lost society. Beautiful to look at and genius in its environmental storytelling.
The story unfolds through both the environment but also clues from characters just as oddly compelling as the setting itself. I don't know what to compare it to, but if you like weird games or new ways of telling stories, check it out!
It's like a hugely epic 16-big RPG, boiled down to the essential story conclusion. Designed for a game jam to be completed in about an hour, but as satisfying as a much longer game!
The game that inspired me to stream with my friends! Sad but beautiful. Though you play as the villains, you'll need to push through because the unfolding story, though tragic, is so worth it.
This is your new favorite 16-bit RPG. There, I've said it. If you love the genre, this will take you back there and blow your mind like it first did. If you don't, then this just might change your mind.