3-6 players, 3 act game, Camp Cryptid
3-6 players, 2-5 hours per session, anthology of 12 mini-games, She-ra inspired
2-12 players, 1-3 hours, discord-based, virtual haunted house
3+ players, 1-3 hours, storytelling and map-drawing
2-5 players, one session, storytelling
3-6 players, 2-6 hours PER session, ttrpg, daring scoundrels
3-6 players, ttrpg, magical girls
3-4 players, single session, fallen angels
3-6 players, ttrpg, dungeon crawler, finally a use for d12s
3-6 players, 2-3 hours, play as yourself, but magical!
3-7 players, ttrpg, persona-inspired, fight the man!
3-6 players, 2-3 hours, card game
3+ players, complex setup, PvP potential, heavy narrative power
3-5 players, ttrpg
3+ players, system-agnostic, one-shot
3-8 players, 1 session, spooky French Revolution
3+ players, ttrpg, players are all cats
2-6 players, light roleplaying story game
3+ players, card game, storytelling
2-5 players, 2-4 hours, tarot based, supernatural investigation
2-6 players, city-building storytelling
3+ players, sci fi ttrpg, rules-lite and easy to run
1-4 players, collaborative storytelling
1-4 players, card based, homesteading/exploration storytelling
1+ players, card based, poem writing
2+ players, uses deck of cards, House of Leaves-inspired
2+ players, 3-4 hours, collaborative storytelling
3-5 players, one page game, ants debating philosophy
1+ players, short game, wandering and exploration