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Kcfresh53's Collection

a collection by Kcfresh53 · last updated 2023-11-14 17:44:10
Awesome Skeleton sprite pack (Idle, React, Attack, Walk, Hit, Death)
2D character Art Assets to start your game off the right way. Perfect for platformers or metroidvania.
+2000 sprites vehicles , houses , props everything is here
Sprite sheet & atlas editor
2 scripts for fracturing 2D polygons in the Godot Engine (3.2+).
Run in browser
Make gamepad layout charts.
Run in browser
A tiny sandbox for my fluid simulation
It generates 16 or 47 tileset from 9 tile sets.
make fancy-looking star shapes
Run in browser
Quickly preview sprite animations!
SnapeFX For Creating 2D Pixel Art VFX
A blender add-on that contains tools to ease the creation/import process of assets into Godot Game Engine and others.