TTRPGs that allow for two or more players. TTRPGs that are specifically for two players have their own category.
If there's no blurb, I don't know exactly how many players can play, just that multiple can.
[T] [Q] 3-5 players. Supplemental scenario for the TTRPG Turn.
[T] Supplementary items made from monster parts for D&D 5e.
[T] Supplementary warlock subclass for D&D 5e.
[T] Low-level horror campaign scenario for a TTRPG of your choice.
[T] Hex crawl locations designed for D&D 5e, but likely usable with other TTRPGs as well.
[T] A horror campaign scenario for D&D 5e.
[T] One-shot.
[T] Supplement for the TTRPG Sword Quest.
[T] Supplemental rules for the TTRPG Mothership RPG.
[T] Supplemental playbook for the TTRPG Monsterhearts 2.
[RJ] 3-4 players.
[RJ] GM-less.
[RJ] 2-6 players. GM-less. Prepless. Standard deck of cards required.
[RJ] Adventure for the TTRPG system of your choice.
[RJ] 2+ players. Standard card deck required.
[RJ] 1+ players. GM-less.
[RJ] [T] 3-5 players. GM-less.
[RJ] [T] 3-player.
[RJ] 1+ players. Partial French translation included.
[RJ] GM required.
[RJ] 3-5 players. Comes in English and Italian.
[RJ] D6s required. Beginner-friendly.