TTRPGs that I don't really know how many players can play, AKA the number of players isn't anywhere in the description. If I ever download one of these and figure out how many players can play it, I'll move it to another category.
[RJ] Diceless. Tarot deck or other cards required.
[RJ] Definitely for more than one player. A tarot, oracle, or art deck required.
[RJ] Probably multiplayer.
D6s required.
D6s required.
3d6s required.
2d6s required.
Supplement for the TTRPG Masks: A New Generation.
Includes scenarios for the TTRPG Return to the Stars.
In development. Uses dice.
Content warning: blood, gore, death, sacrifice.
Class addition for the TTRPG Dungeon World.