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RPG Maker Tools

a collection by BubblyOasis · last updated 2023-11-10 03:01:26
Additional common VN features added through these plugins to let you make the VN of your dreams in RMMZ!
Enable RPG Maker MZ to become a Visual Novel engine for you!
Play a Video File Before the Title Screen, When Idle on Title screen, In the Background or Foreground of Title Screen!
A Blender add-on for building tile based low-poly scenes with paint/map editor like tools
Tile pack for RMMV and RMMZ: 48x48 tiles for building modernised commercial environments.
What city is complete without the hustle and bustle of a transit system?
Allows you to use maps made in Tiled for RPG Maker MZ
Kickstart your game dev journey into RPG Maker MZ with the VisuStella Sample Game Project!
Role Playing