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a collection by palecur · last updated 2023-11-10 03:01:12
Collections of Plugins to Create Tactical Battle System
Role Playing
Offline-first project management designed for artists and designers
A bumper pack of A4 print-ready fliers that describe various roles in game development and how to get started!
Tool for music visualizations without writing code
a fantasy console for making small games
A fantasy console for making, playing and sharing cute 32k cartridges.
Space Combat Engine for GMS 2
Make your own bird!
Run in browser
I have created a goose that lives on your desktop. He is an asshole.
Every key you press gets added to the pile, making your screen unusable.
The Electric Zine Maker (⚡️📝✂️) is a printshop and art tool for making zines.
Your computer is a beautiful garden
a self-care app.
Experience the thrill of online cyber encounters
The soothing audiovisual rain simulator is back!
once again you can digitally paint with power of glitch!
Guitar themed arcade-style action puzzle game. Match and memorize note positions for points and health.
Shrink long texts to create shorter documents that are easier to memorize!
A piece of software that helps one take good care of his/her bonsai tree.
A quick-and-dirty InDesign tutorial to make a flexible book covers — easily exportable to many formats!