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Na_DeusVult's Collection
a collection by
· last updated
2023-11-10 03:00:58
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Desert Wind - a Ghibli Inspired Village
This village has electricity and airplanes. And also is inspired by my favorite Ghibli films.
Snake Train #1
Meet the weirdos that ride the snake train, and meet the train itself. It talks.
Penicillin Issue #4
Issue #4 of the World's Biggest Zine
Micah Anderson
Penicillin Issue #3
The third issue of the World's Other Only RPG Zine
Micah Anderson
Anti-Sisyphus Issue Infinite
Micah Anderson
Penicillin Issue #2
The follow up to the acclaimed first issue of Penicillin, a new Eclectic RPG Zine.
Micah Anderson
Penicillin Issue #1
Weird RPG Zine
Micah Anderson
Journalistic Interference
A solo companion to LARPs about war reporting.
Rufus Roswell
Ecologic Disobedience
A game about ecosystems and reclaiming land for small communities.
Rufus Roswell
Good Relics
A game about objects and shared history.
Rufus Roswell
Granny Squares: A Family History
A game about crochet and family.
Rufus Roswell
A horror story for Tony Hawk.
Rufus Roswell
Open Automatically Upon Start Up
A game about burried memories.
Rufus Roswell
War in the Year 3000
A gmless game about living in an Age of Military Entertainment
Rufus Roswell
We Pass Under Legends
You travel through the remains of a war.
Rufus Roswell
The Exquisite Deck
A Spindlewheel Deck made from collaborative poetry.
Rufus Roswell
Sports are Just Numerology
A 2 athlete story told through numbers.
Rufus Roswell
Behemoth and Killer
A game of oracles and hard won battles.
Rufus Roswell
Topological Souls vol. 1
A zine of mapping games and their variations
Rufus Roswell
Divinity Fall
A solo journaling RPG about killing Gods
Catscratcher Studio
In bundle
The Final Journey Of A Legendary Hero
Catscratcher Studio
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